Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Are two Hands better than one for Thuggie scheme?

This "publisher's note" appears on the left border of page 5-A in today's T&G. " Publisher's note: A Letter to the Editor was published in our Jan. 9 edition titled 'Article on sheriff omitted fact about Walker." It is the policy of the Tribune & Georgian to contact all letter writers prior to publication, but due to inexplicable reasons Vernon Hand was not contacted before the letter ran. We have contacted Mr. Hand and he stated that he did not write the letter published. We have learned of another Vernon Hand who lives in Camden County but have been unable to contact him as of press time on March 18." How convenient. So what if it turns out that the other Mr. Hand wrote it and was indeed contacted? Does Jonathan Maziarz get his job back? Not a ghost of a chance in Hell. Another good man has fallen victim to BTW and the Thuggies, but their day is coming.


Anonymous said...

sounds like one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing, but its most likely another lie of the BTW farce

Jay Moreno said...

Clearly, we can't batten this scuttlebutt down until we get all Hands on deck!

Anonymous said...

thats a big ten-four