Thursday, July 15, 2010

Close but no cigar for would-be independent District 4 candidate Rosemary Rillo.

She needed 226 verified signatures. She turned in a mere 255. It is fairly common knowledge among political sophisticates that you  should never stop collecting signatures until you have a number equal to at least 150% of what you need.

Per Judge Martin Gillette at 0907 HRS today, the official count of verified signatures was only 213 - 13 short of the required minimum. Close, but no cigar - or candidacy.

So, the winner of Tuesday's election or the possible runoff WILL be the next Camden County Commissioner for District 4.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She should request a ACTUAL count by someone other than Judge/Supervisor of Elections Martin Gillette. Both he and Weaver are member of the infamous KOW Klub.