Friday, July 16, 2010

St. Marys tourism director, Janet Brinko, fired Thursday. Jim Stein on the case.


Anonymous said...

Janet Brinko turns 63 on Sunday. She has represented the City of St. Marys for 15 years. This is a lady that got St. Marys sanctioned with the Super Bowl. No easy feat for a little town like ours. During her tenure St. Marys was voted Best Small Town Nationally, and Best Retirement town Nationally. And the list goes on. She is respected at the State level and the local level, except for the 4 that gave her the boot. There is a personal agenda out there somewhere, and pretty soon it will be revealed. Don't let the City get away with this injustice. Please speak out at the next council meeting, the next CVB meeting, the next DDA meeting, emails to Council members & Mayor, blogs, etc. This was wrong. The City of St. Marys has become a dictatorship. A brand new group of "Good Ole Boys" has emerged!

hannah said...

The word is "tourism," not "tourims," and anonymous probably means "certified," rather than "sanctioned" (penalized).

Also, the first time through the visual verification doesn't show up.