Thursday, November 5, 2009

Now there's an idea!

dover bluff man Brunswick, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #11 4 hrs ago With Glynn County having the same jail issues we are, Glynn and Camden should team up and plan a facility for the next 100 years on 100 acres or so on the north end. If done properly, this would save money for the taxpayers in both counties. (Jay) I wonder if any other counties have ever done that?

Turns out Oconee is currently considering a tri-county jail.


Anonymous said...

If there was a Chief Judge that was interested in something other than the "drug court" , this regional jail could be on the drawing board rather quickly. Not gonna happen with her and that's a real shame.

Anonymous said...

I got a better idea. Once the St. Marys airport gets moved(which surely will happen now that Queen Hase has all pawns in place) you can build a new jail there on the old site. Nothing else will ever be built there.