Wednesday, December 23, 2009


From Invisible Mount Juliet, TN Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #91 10 hrs ago Judged: 2 1 1 If Jay Moreno wants to run for any office, it is his right as a citizen. I think he would have a lot of time to research the problems of Camden and deliver more input than the other Councilpersons and Commissioners. And let me add a few more purported negatives that are actually positives in a county commissioner, especially a Camden County commissioner. 1. I have absolutely no relatives living in Camden or any adjoining counties. My nearest relatives are in Savannah. Trust me: none of them need a job in Camden County. Nepotism would not be a problem (not that I would engage in it anyway). 2. I have no really, really close personal friends in Camden County. Friends (that I know of) probably number fewer than a couple of dozen, and I'm not really "beholdin'" to any of them. Cronyism would not be a problem. 3. I'm not a joiner. I don't have a pressing need to be accepted - at any cost - as part of any group. I'm quite self-sufficient. I'm not a "member" of any organization in Camden County. Ergo, merchants' groups, civic clubs, public employees, etc. would receive fair but not favored consideration in any matter before me. Needless to say, individuals, regardless of socio-economic status, would, as well. 4. I do not have a politician's duplicitousness. I say what I mean; mean what I say; and let the chips fall where they may. A "consummate vote whore" I'm not. If you find those qualities to be positives for a county commissioner, I would be your guy. If not, you would have at least one polar opposite in the coming race for District 4.


Anonymous said...

RUN Jay...I would vote for you!!!

Jay Moreno said...

Thank you - and Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Vote Whore you say. Now Jay, why in the world would you bring Sandy into this? lol You would certainly have my vote and I am one of the indigenious ones. I just married an implant. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Jay Moreno said...

Thank you, and same to you. I'll pass your good wishes on to Cojack.