Saturday, March 13, 2010

Desperate for a new and winning issue before November elections, Obama takes on NCLB.


hannah said...

Apparently, Fox News expects its audience to have short memories. Reforming NCLB was a major plank in the 2008 campaign, in response to lobbying from teachers and school administrators all around the country. All the Democratic candidates in the primary supported reform.
While most people want a high quality education for their own children and many people want it for other people's children, as well, standardized tests, prepared and sold for a profit by Neil Bush and his friends in the educational entrepreneurial community, obviously won't do it.

What probably has conservatives quaking in their shoes is their own definition of "reform." It's another word that's like "renewal" in that from their lips it doesn't mean what it says. Because "reform social security" really meant "do away with it," they now fear that "reforming NCLB" means gutting that program. And that would put a lot of people sucking at the public teat out of luck.

Jay Moreno said...

You're definitely a keeper - sort of this blog's own "Lorraine X" for rush fans. Clearly, you are on the DNC's talking points e-mail list and an avid Daily KOS nut.
Keep 'em coming. My readers will get a kick out of you.

hannah said...

Actually, I pride myself in thinking that the DNC has come 'round to my way of thinking and I've been a presence on KOS since 2003.
Entertaining some of your readers, assuming they reside in the First District, is definitely an objective. Jack Kingston's leadership of the Republican Theme Team has served no-one well. Though, it's probably not his fault that the moniker "party of NO" has stuck. That was validated by the petulance of George W. and the arrogance of Richard Bruce.

Jay Moreno said...

Excellent! Rave on.