Saturday, March 20, 2010

Drug tests for welfare recipients?

Don't miss the comments.


hannah said...

Right. If a person can be "persuaded" to surrender his/her human rights, it's just fine. That's what makes the resurrection of involuntary servitude (known as "stop loss") perfectly legal. The troops "volunteered" to serve.

Jay Moreno said...

Let's see: that would be the human right to live the life of a drugged-out wastrel on other people's money, right?

Would that be God given or constitutional, in your liberal opinion?

Wow - what a smooth segue to your anti-war screed, there Hannah X!

Hannah, have you met Alex?

No More Freeloading said...

For the 20+ years that I worked for the USN i was subject to random urinalysis. Now in the private sector I was required to take a drug test (hair sample) and a urine sample and a breath sample (alcohol). Now I am subject to random testing and if i am driving a company vehicle and am in an accident then drug screen is required. So you can bet your butt that I am in support of anyone getting government subsistence to be REQUIRED to submit to testing, and if it comes back positive then punitive actions will follow.

Anonymous said...

If you apply for employment you are required, not persuaded, to have a drug test before you will be hired. If you are in the Armed Forces, you are required to have a drug test, not persuaded. A Welfare Recipient should be required to have a drug test, not persuaded. Many Welfare Recipients do not have a job because they are required to have a drug test.

Jay Moreno said...

Wow! Three comments and not one of the usual suspects has yet called me a racist for linking to this article!

Is this progress or are they just asleep at the switch?

hannah said...

Indeed, people often do unto others, or wish unto others, what was done to them. That's how abusive behavior gets transmitted from generation to generation.

But, to answer Jay, money is money. It doesn't belong to one person or another. It's a lubricant we use to facilitate exchange and trade--behaviors that humans engage in whenever they're not reverting to predation.
Might as well decree that people should be restricted from using the letters of the alphabet to communicate.

I include extortion under the heading of "persuasion."

Jay Moreno said...

Are there any certified Liberalspeak-to-English translators in the audience who could help us out here?

Anonymous said...

EXTORTION, now thats a good word Hannah, for what the Democratic Congress is doing to the people of these United States.

Anonymous said...

Hannah, even our children in high school have to take drug tests whether or not they are in a sport.

Explain to me how drug testing for welfare (a handout) is a surrendering of human rights? Let me guess. It is the violation of the right of a human being to not be allowed to be an unproductive part of society and to not be allowed to become a constant burden on society in order to force the society to provide all lubricant needed for all exchange and trade of the unproductive human. Right? Hmmm....Sounds to me like involuntary servitude of those who work to those who choose not to.