Monday, February 22, 2010

Taxpayers must read this!!! This Wednesday night, at 6:00 PM, at the Planning and Development Board meeting in the county annex building (the small, red brick building next to the Camden County Public Library on Gross Rd at Hwy 40) there will be what the county commissioners (except Berry) are passing off as one of two required public hearings before they can go ahead and vote to not only set the county impacxt fees to ZERO, effectively suspending the fee collection, but actually REFUND ALL FUNDS COLLECTED FAR to the builders who have bought Charlene Sears. Please attend and let your voices be heard. The second public hearing will be held during the regualr county commission meeting of March 16th. Unless enough of us have put the fear of the incensed majority of the electorate into the 4 by then, they can vote in the dastardly deed that very night.


Anonymous said...

I went to send a email to the link you have posted Jay and Steves daughter uses her maiden name on her county email

Alot of people are fearful of speaking out. Therefore they're counting on you to address this issue with great astuteness tomorrow. We are praying that you are successful at conveying the righteousness this matter deserves.

Jay Moreno said...

Unless you work for a builder or are one of the many Realtors who do not subscribe to the official Board of Realtors position on this matter, or are a county employee what have you got to be afraid of?
They can't get to you through the mill or BTW anymore like in the recently departed bad ol' days.

Jay Moreno said...

From Topix:

wherearetheirbra ins
Kingsland, GA
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2 hrs ago I just hope for the sake of every homeowner in Camden County that the Tribune & Georgian and Camden Commentary cover tomorrows meeting at the annex building in Kingsland. If 6:00 comes and the people of Camden County don't show up. Charlene Sears and the fab four are slated to vote to make existing taxpayers pay for the infrastructure of all of the northend growth.

In essence everyone will pay to build the roads, schools, libraries and all utilities for the new homeowners in northern Camden
County. Just imagine how much this will increase your county taxes, school board taxes and your car tags.

Not only are they planning to suspend impact fees they are voting to give all of the developers their money back from 2009. These same developers are currently behind on their taxes.

FYI: You're almost correct, but not quite. In Georgia, unlike in Florida, impact fees MAY NOT be used for building or funding schools. They can be used for virtually all other public capital expenditures caused by development.