Monday, June 30, 2008

Alas, how true....

Neutral Saint Marys, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #31 7 min ago "Come July 16th you'll understand why !!!!!!!!!I would also mention that the same 100 people who get on this site and change their monikers to make people believe Bill's opposition is larger that it really is. You can tell by the daily attacks by Rick and Jay that things are not as you wish them to be. Although some Gregory's support is very vocal (not in support of Gregory) but in opposition of Bill. Bill's support is solid. The silent majority will prevail. They will come out of those woods like locust on July the 16th and there won't be a damned thing Jay, Rick, or anyone else can do to stop that. I've heard many times that people will vote for Bill due to their hatred of Berry, Moreno, Rogers,Stein,etc. These people who think they're helping Gregory are having just the opposite effect. Hundreds will vote for Bill just so they won't have to listen to Moreno,Rogers,Berry and the rest say I told you so. You call it what ever you like but this is the way it will go. Remember you heard it hear first" First of all, I cannot and do not post on TOPIX Kingsland, given that thanks to "Tripp" Casey, I can not. Moreover, thanks to Casey - who now, ironically, claims to be against Smith - page after page of documentary evidence of Smith's wrongdoings I had posted to TOPIX are now irretrievably lost. But to the matter at hand - people voting for Smith to spite "damned outsiders." There is no doubt in my mind that the writer is correct: there are morally bankrupt, indigenous tribals who will vote for Smith, knowing damned well that he is crooked, only to spite the reviled "damned outsiders." Where have we seen this sort of thing before? Remember when Marion Barry, the racist and incompetent black mayor of Washington, D.C. was caught on film smoking crack in a D.C. hotel room with a prostitute,. arrested, convicted and jailed, but, nonetheless, reelected when he ran for mayor again? What you have going on here is a very similar phenomenon. It hurts like hell to have to have "others" point out the years long perfidy and general sorriness beneath the facade of one of your multi-generational tribal heroes. Decent tribals, with a strong grounding in what being an American is all about and a true moral compass will move on and do the right thing on July 15th. But many will not. That's why it is so vitally important to get all DECENT people - indigenous or damned outsiders -- to the polls on the 15th to do the right thing - the American thing. Update @ 1224 HRS. Now, this e-mail from a reader.... There is no end to how low he will go. I just hope there are folks out there who still have a sense of right and wrong. But I am not ignoring the fact that what was wrong is now tolerated. That was proven when Bill Clinton disgraced the office of the President and this county pretty much accepted that conduct. July 15th is going to be a real test for this community. We will find out if the community standards are low enough to allow this corruption and put a stamp of approval on it. This is the MTV generation. There is no set definition of right and wrong, although we really do know what is wrong. As it stands now we have many in our community who are selling their vote because a crooked sheriff was friendly or did a favor. That is like tolerating a thief because of what he does for you. It is alright for him to steal from your neighbors because he is doing some thing for you. It may well be that this community's moral compass is not calibrated right. That it is way off course. We shall see if we pass the test. I know what I am going to do and I will not have any question in my mind about having done the right thing. I would hope we don't have to leave up the the Feds. That we would make the first strike.


Anonymous said...

Are you saying that I am responcible for your posts being lost? And what is so ironic about my wanting change? I like your message Jay. I enjoy your blog and have posted several times. I have nothing personal agianst you, just what you did. I am vocal about being agianst Smith because it is what I firmly believe in, and you helped with that like it or not. I have always rescpected your intelligence, but never your arrogance. Keep up the good work!

And by the way, Gregory signs outnumber Smith signs in the North End of the county!

Tripp Casey

Jay Moreno said...

Yes, indeed I am.

I assume that by the north end of the county, you mean north of the Satilla River.

I can tell you that on Saturday, on U.S. 17, from Kingsland to the south end of the Fat Godley Bridge, there was precisely one. It had apparently been missed by the Thuggies because it was up in the tree line and 2/3 obscured by the growth of the weeds.

Anonymous said...

The worth of this community is going to be a matter of public record soon enough. If Smith can buy, bully and fool his way into a race July 15 this community will be judged as a place where law, order and integrity are low on the pole. Doing the right think takes very little effort and thought. To do what is wrong has to be calculated and planned. Smith can and has bullied his way into the black churches and bought his way into the same. It is sad to think to think that will work.

Jay Moreno said...

While is demonstrably true that Smith seems to have bought every black minister - and thence their congrgations - in Camden County, doubt not that he has pulled the same unlawful vote buying with their white church going brethren.

With out even having to go back to look, I can tell you from memeory that in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, the drug fund records clearly showed a check made payable directly to Browntown Baptist Church for $10,000.

That was his only slip-up so far as inadvertently identifiying one of the white churches he's bought. You can bet that a goodly number of those Delta flights to Saddleback were filled with white pastors, deacons,and major financial supporters. All of those trips to "Rick Warrenland" have cost over $100,000 worth of vote buying.

Anonymous said...

What is really sad and disheartening is that because of funds funneled to the churches, especially the black churches, they have posted Smith's signs. There is no question that character, integrity, and morality are all for sale. To see this happen with the churches is really rank. Things are really going down hill when this type of community standards prevail. It is indeed shameful.

Anonymous said...

Just Curious wrote:
"Why did you get involved in this stuff? Was it an attorney thing? Was it an ally thing?"

Edmund Burke (12 January 1729[1]– 9 July 1797) was an Anglo-Irish statesman, author, orator, political theorist, and philosopher who served for many years in the British House of Commons as a member of the Whig party. He is mainly remembered for his support of the American colonies in the dispute with King George III and Great Britain that led to the American Revolution .... During these times Burke stated

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

I invite those that share my belief that a change is needed in the office of Sheriff of Camden County to join me in voting for Tommy Gregory.