Friday, June 13, 2008

Thuggies, it's too late to be careful what you wish for!

Kingsland, GA Is Tommy Gregory still running for Sheriff? Posted in the Kingsland Forum "Shot across the bow," my ass: Tommy's half-page ad in today's T&G is a torpedo amidships and 10 feet below the waterline. His four "Reasons Why Camden County Needs A New Sheriff" are dead-on. If you're not a subscriber, spring for the 50 cents! You might want Sheriff Gregory to sign your souvenir copy in January to commemorate the day the CCSO got its integrity back!


Anonymous said...

I was a long time coming. I just wish it hadn't been buried on the 5th page because clearly it was front page material. Way to go Tommy. That one should have left a mark.

Jay Moreno said...

No, actually the bottom half of the op ed page was the absolutely perfect location - one which I'm sure Tommy had the foresight to reserve and pay for well in advance. Note that Friday's T&G was exactly one month before the last Friday T&G that will be published just before thje election. More evidence of intelligent strategizing.

Tommy is clearly running his campaign much more intelligently than Smith is his.

To the extent that Tommy has shopped around and found an obviously competent, professional, campaign manager vs. those running Smith's campaign is just one more revealing contrast of the management abilities of the two candidates.

Anonymous said...

Hell, Ol Willie can't even organize his hog pen.

Anonymous said...

I think it was the perfect spot. Right under all the fake letters to the editor praising the Sheriff's Dept. Tommy's ad is the best I have seen since I moved here. He really tells it like it is and I know what he says was well thought out and proven before he would let it go into print. Go Tommy!!!! You are the man for the job.

Jay Moreno said...

Oh, man! Do you mean to tell me that some of those letters-to-the-editor in praise of Big Thug may have actually been solicited by the very varmint they praise and that the timing was not just serrendipitously co-ordinated witht he upcoming primary election? I'm shocked!

Next thing you know, you're going to tell me that that ton of food donated to the jail by a BTW admiring farmer from miles away was not only a planned photo op, but planted in the paper by the sheriff's PR flack, Simper Fido.

I'm so disillusioned.

What, the recently initiated T.V. Camden broadcast of the pathetically inept boxing matches at Big Thug's boxing club? That too!? Damn.