Wednesday, August 20, 2008

In what private enterprise universe..

does a service organization increase its labor force by 53 percent in ANTICIPATION of a demand curve shift to the right, then compound the blunder by keeping the excess workers on when the shift fails to materialize?


Anonymous said...

When I commented on your previous post I had no idea the Tribune would come along and echo that sentiment today. WOW....

All of the governments have increased personel in the same outrageous way. Since you are going to be running for District 4 County Commissioner: What do you think about the number of new employees that have been hired at the County level? When the actual increase in population in the unincorporated area can barely be measured.

Someone needs to take charge of this situation an begin the process of consolidating governments. One County government and One Municipality government.

This will save millions........

Jay Moreno said...

I'm not aware that there has been a profligate increase in employees at the county level, but apparently you are. Why don't you tel us how many; in what departments; and whihc ones you think are in excess? I know I would like to know and so would the other readers.

As you surely know, the majority of the voting public has repeatedly shown opposition to total consolidation (a la the Jax model) in surveys and referenda. Moreover, they have always been so convinced that any piecemeal consolidation, irrespective of the logic of a particular plan, would turn out to be the proverbial camel's nose under the tent for total consolidation that they have rejected such ideas out of hand.

In consequence, consolidation has become the third rail of Camden politics. Being the ingenuous reader and advisor that you are, I'm sure you wouldn't want to see me touch that rail, now would you?

Anonymous said...

Geez.... Please don't touch it

Anonymous said...

In St. Marys we have a city manager and an assistant, a fire chief and an assistant in addition the staffing at the fire dept. has more than doubled per shift. They have at least 3 on duty at all times at stations 2, 9 and 7. In addition the trucks from all the stations drive every morning to station 2 for the morning meeting. This means the area they are expected to cover is unstaffed and a fire truck probably gets about 4 miles to the gallon of fuel so driving all over the city to sit around a table together is ridiculous. We are not a city large enough for the top heavy administrative staff and all of the assistants.

Anonymous said...

How many new positions have been added to the County?? Never heard this before.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much you're gonna bitch if they don't have enough personnel on the fire truck to put your burning house out! Duh! Never trim the fat from fire and police unless it's a last resort. There are other areas that bear more scrutinizing than the Fire Department or the Police Department. Ever hear the phrase;"Don't cut off your nose to spite your face"? I do believe that it applies here! That would be one of the dumbest moves you can make.

Jay Moreno said...

I, too, have not heard of any significant increase - if any increase at all - in the number of positions on the county payroll.

I'll check into it.

Anonymous said...

They are in the process of hiring 13 for a new rookie school for the fire department as we speak.

Anonymous said...

Camden is famous for to many chiefs and not enough Indians, they need to revamp the good old boy system with a more equal program like the military, where your tested, evauluated on your performance, and years of quality service before you can get a promotion.

Anonymous said...

Camden has to many Mgrs. and no leaders to speak of.

Anonymous said...

What expected growth spurt? Typical knee jerk reaction! They need to lay some people off. How about we run the city more like a business that have to answer to the board and the share holders - Us the tax payers!!!

Employees should contribute to their own coffee fund. Gatorade, how about plain ole water! And to my surprise, they are still printing paper payroll checks!!

After being annexed into the city almost eight years ago, we are still waiting for services the rest of the city has!!! All we have gotten from paying our taxes all these years were street lights! Sewer and water lines would be nice, have any of you seen the elevated or mounded septic systems in peoples yards? They are just so attractive!!!

Hell, I should have asked for a golf cart path!! That got passed so quickly by the council! Then I could get to those OTHER St. Marys businesses besides the ones downtown! They are also hurting!

Jay Moreno said...

I just now (8/21 @1516 HRS) got off of the phone with county administrator Steve Howard. He called in resposne to an e-mail I sent him earlier today.

By the end of mext week, he will have a report to me on the true employment picture in Camden County government. He is looking forward to getting the actual situation out there.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jay. I hope that report includes all of Steve Berrys employees from his law practice. It would also be nice for the taxpayers to see all of the family members of the dept. heads that have been hired by the county. The county government is known as the family and friends plans. We tease all the time about how many family members are hired in each dept. isn't that right Danny.

Anonymous said...

Why wait a week for him to send you a pretty pie chart. All you need to do is get a copy of the T&G from back in 2006 when all county employees & salaries were listed and compare it to now. You can go to the commissioners office and get the current listing of employees & salaries. This way you can see the "true picture" for yourself.

Jay Moreno said...

But couldn't I, or you, or the T&G do that jsut as easily after I get the information form Mr. Howard? Do you really think he is oblivious to that fact.

To date, Mr. howard has given me, and, more importantly, the county commissioners no reason whatsoever to not trust him at his word.

Could it perhaps be that now that you know that the asssertion of a huge increase in county employees is about to be refuted, you are now attempting to dicredit the refuter before the fact?

Suffice it to say that Mr. Howard and I talked for about 20 minutes today. I think that the general public - though certainly not you -will be highy appreciative of the report.