Saturday, October 3, 2009

Savannah to be site for pagan festival. "Rooted in the earth: Aponte said paganism's image has softened in recent years, partly aided by the environmental movement. Still, in the South where religion is a regular topic of casual conversation, some local pagans say they rarely use the word to define their beliefs. 'I consider myself a spiritual person, an earth-based spiritual person,' Aponte said." You don't say!? Hm, I wonder if some local, earth-based, spiritual person might want to invite those folks down next year? It might help the downtown St. Marys economy. They might not spend much, but perhaps the locals coming down to pray and protest might. I can just see it now: the assemblage of butt ugly, moon-lit, earth-based, new age, cosmic whoopies cavorting beneath the trees and gamboling on the gazebo in Kearns' Memorial Park, while the protesters, led by Rev. Jim, carry torches and pitchforks out in St. Marys Street. Who knows: it could become another annual event for downtown.


sandy feller said...

congratulations on reaching the 200,000 hit mark. it takes a lot of work.

Anonymous said...

Jay, I use to respect your opinions and reports on your blog but recently with your personal vendetta against Mrs. Kearns I am now discouraged from reading or believing what you post on here. I think everyone would agree that you need to let this go and move on to more pressing issues facing this county. The Earthkeepers have nothing to do with the site you keep referring to and their mission is nothing like those people. What is wrong with trying to make our planet a better place? What is wrong with encouraging people to be better earth stewards? It bothers me that you obsess over this like you do.

Jay Moreno said...

Obsession would be Feller's irrational hatred for Steve Berry, for instance. My original objection was to Ms. Kearns leftist leanings (if you don't get that, read her blog in its entirety)per se, and her radical environmetalisnm in particular. My experience has been that anyone who goes to the trouble of blowing into town and in short order cowing the city council into doing her bidding, founding a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization and soliciting financial contributions thereto, is, without a doubt, a radical, left wing, environmemtalist. If you think that is a bit hyperbolic, go to my list of websites and blogs and read both of her personal blogs in their entirety. If you will go back and read my original postings on the subject, you will find that my objections were to her activities and the future anti-capitalist, anti-Camden industrial activities they portend. However, Ms. Kearns chose, in typical liberal fashion, to make it an ad hominem matter when she attacked me personally ("coward," "little man," etc., even going so far as to suggest that mny beloved pet, Cojack," was being held against his will by an ogre and perhaps should be rescued!) When I apologized to the CAB for having to cuss out the S.O.B that Ms. Kearns had planted in the audience (having been alerted that I would be in the meeting in ample time to set it up), she, in an act showing no class whatsoever, published the apology on TOPIX within 20 minutes of my sending it to the chair with a request that she forward it to other members. In the fashion of a true coward, she has used the venue of TOPX to attack and ridicule me under so many different, cowardly, false identities that I've lost count.

All I can say is, Camden County, you have been warned. She has already tip-toed around the very edges of forfeiting the 501(c)(3) status of the EarthKeepers (and if you believe that that name was chosen without any knowledge of the existence of hundreds of loosely affiliated "local" (as in "Think globally: act locally") organizations of the same name, then you are really naive)by the obviously political act of coming out with a press release - just after qualifying week - opposing the proposed new airport on environmental grounds. Trust me, when and if the time comes that our JDA attracts a new manufacturing concern - or the container handling facility in Kingsland which I've reported on - this woman will once again recruit outside, anti-capitalist, far left "environmental' organizations to stop it, just as she has done regarding the airport.

Thank you for your "concern," but the fact is I had come to the conclusion that I would not copmment on her again before she actually comes out and does what I've predicted in the future. That decison was reached after I got a glimpse of what a truly pathetic creature she actually is during her feeble attempt to dress down the mayor and city council at the last council meeting.

By the way, if you have been here a while, you should have recognized trhat I was also referring to a rather comical incident that actually occured in St. Marys about this time maybe ten years ago. Some woman claiming to be a Wiccan asked permission of the city council to hold a Wiccan wedding ceremony just after sundown on halloween in the old cemetery downtown. Council, having let other "denominationsd" use the cemetery before, granted a permit. Well, you can imagine what a fund-raising and free PR opportunity not to be missed this was for local churches. At the next city couymncil meeting, a very rowdy, overflow crowd of concerned Christians showed up and informed the council that they would face personally face God's rath if they let it go forward. There were letters-to-the-editor- which conjured up images of "pagan cavorting" much like I have described.

The delicious irony is that I think the whole thing was a hoax.

Jay Moreno said...

Oh, and city council caved in and rescinded the permit, of course.