Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Highly dissatisfied" ain't even close!

I guess my lawn will be on its own because the sprinkler system will definitely be turned off.

Update:  I got a call last night from Councilwoman Hase just after her daily reading of my blog.
She was perturbed that Gordon Jackson had, if not gotten it all wrong, not gotten it all right either.
There was a finance committee meeting Monday afternoon.  Gordon (atypically) was there. The finance director made the statement early on that if they were to rely solely on a water / sewer rate increase to cover the shortfall in cash flow to service the bond debt, that it would require a 65% rate increase. That much is true. However, Councilwoman Hase reports that by the end of the meeting, after discussing alternatives, it was the concensus of the committee that no more than a 30% increase (as if that's not bad enough) would be enacted.


Anonymous said...

You should not be using city water to water your lawn. That is against the city ordinance. But you knew that right?

Jay Moreno said...

No, but I do know that you do not have a clue what in the hell you're talking about. I only water on Sunday, which is one of the permissable watering days for folks with odd numbered houses in St.Marys.

Nice try, though.

Jay Moreno said...

Here is the actual city ordinance, by the way.

Sec. 98-303. Outdoor water use schedule during non-drought periods.
Outdoor water use other than exempted activities shall occur only as follows:
(1) Odd-numbered addresses: outdoor water use is allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.
(2) Even-numbered addresses: outdoor water use is allowed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
(Ord. of 7-26-04, § 1(55-3))

Anonymous said...

The smartest person in the entire elected official capacity in Camden County is Steve Berry. Thats why he is jumping ship "right about now".

Alot of the stupid mistakes made by these people will start to manifest to the public within the next 18 months.

This fiasco with St. Marys was by design. EVERYONE including myself told those who would listen this was NOT a smart move. When Bank of America turned St. Marys down they went to the PSA to get them to vouch for the loan. The PSA agreed to their insanity and now the taxpayers have to eat the cost.

Sad part is, there are so many more situations like this on the horizon. With no industry, all of these mistakes will be carried by the taxpayers, as these idiots have no other resource but to increase fees and taxes.

Denise R. Taylor

Anonymous said...

And this is only the beginning. Just think of what the airport is going to cost them.