Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Saul Alinsky / local leftie nexus.

Every great once-in-a-while, you do find a nugget on Topix.

Whenever our local lefties and Green eco-weenies show their pink asses in a city council meeting or attack their enemies /critics in print, you might want to refer back to this interesting expose' of where their tactics come from.


Anonymous said...

"...attack their enemies /critics in print" Oh, now, that's rich coming from you - the king of imbecilic written attacks. Do you have a poster of Alinsky on your fridge? You seem to have modelled yourself after him.

Jay Moreno said...

Did you actually read the info I linked to?

Alinsky advocates the end by any means - including lies of all manner.

My "attacks" are based on observable truths - which makes me a natural target of our local Alinsky acolytes.

hannah said...

There's a presumption here that what people hear determined how they behave. That is, of course, the conservative ideal--that people will do what they are told. Which is why what is said is so very important.
But, while there may well be a population which responds to external direction, people who are self-directed and not automatons, either are unaffected or simply reject what they hear, if it doesn't comport with personal experience.

Alinsky is long dead. Referring to authorities is also a conservative habit.