Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's official: the man has no shame!

I just confirmed with Judge Gillette's office that Bill Smith, after assessing what a fine job he has done so far, slithered on into the judge's office earlier today and "qualified" to attempt to inflict himself upon the decent citizens of Camden County for yet another run-amok term as sheriff. If you have not heard Big Thug Willie's no-class campaign song yet, just scroll down 4 posts to "Odious ode to Willie Joe, Version 2.0". Click on the link.


Anonymous said...

This is going to be a short lived deal for the crooked Sheriff. If he does not get indicted before the election we will all have the extreme priviledge of pulling the handle at the voting booth and flushing this piece of ka ka. It is past time for us to stand up and let him know he is going to get his arrogrant ass kicked to the curb. (Along with his silly ass song.) What a dumb ass. Like some one said once "He is insane but has lucid periods of stupidity."

Anonymous said...

It is past time for this low life, lower than a snake, womanizing, law breaking fool to get the hell out of our business and into the federal pen. It can't happen soon enough. Plus getting rid of those incompentent low lifes he surrounds himself with will be a big time plus. Hopefully Big Budda will give it to Smith and Fairley when this is all over with, in the end. If any of you Billy loving nit wits care for his ass, I suggest you send him soap on a rope so he doesn't have to bend over in Big Bubba's shower.

Anonymous said...

Have no comment on BW qualifying, that was no surprise. But I do have a question that you might be able to answer for me or find out for me. Why isn't the Probate Court, Judge Gillette and the Magistrate Court, Judge Frye, not shown on the list of offices you can qualify for?? Shouldn't those two offices be listed since they are also four year terms? Was this some oversite when the Probate Court posted the list in the paper? Thanks for your input.

Anonymous said...

No shame and no clue. He is about to find out exactly what a majority of the voters and taxpayers of Camden County think about him.

The hog farmer is gone!

Anonymous said...

Probate Court and Magistrate Court in Camden County were changed to non-partisan offices and will qualify later and be on the ballot in Nov.

Anonymous said...

The Probate, Magistrate Judge are non-partisan and do not have to qualify at this time.