Friday, April 4, 2008

Yesterday's Cisco RICO proceedings Question: Why has Sheriff Bill Smith, in an election year, not yet fired Capt. Wesley Walker and initiated an investigation by the state P.O.S.T. certification board to have his certification revoked? The possibilities as to why not are intriguing, to put it mildly. If you wish to dicuss that question on the forum, click here:


Anonymous said...

Hard to say with certainty. Could be
1. Cooks a mean rib eye,
2. Excellent errand boy,
3. $2,000.00 a month,
4. Needs him handy in case Byerly is unable to drive for him,
5. Knows how to "gas up" a tiki torch,
6. Doesn't want to make Cisco mad and lose the traditional Christmas party location,

and the list goes on and on ......

Jay Moreno said...

Not exactly the reason I had in mind, but exxxxcellent!

Anonymous said...

Cisco and Wesley has enought on willie to put him away for the rest of his natural life.

Jay Moreno said...

Yep, if BTw were to get appropriate sentences on all of the charges heaeded his way, even if they run concurrently, it's apt to be a life sentence for a seventy-year-old.

And I can't think of a more deserving recipient.

Anonymous said...

Now don't be too hard on BTW. Just think, every morning he has to look in the mirror and all that is looking back is a 6 foot pile of hog$hit.

It can't be easy going through your day when you know that every person you meet knows that you are a lying, deceiving, oath violating, worthless piece of garbage.

Jay Moreno said...

Yes, a normal person would think that it would not be easy, but I suspect that for a sociopathic, megalomaniac, it's not a problem.