Friday, March 13, 2009

Personally, I've never seen a Hispanic wandering lost, bewildered, and starving inside of an English language Super Walmart. Have y'all?


Pollyanna said...

My daughter who lives in Orlando just recently wandered into a Publix that has all their signage in spanish. She did not realize it was a Publix at first but then it clicked with the colors and products but all was in spanish. The border patrol agents just need to go to any Wal Mart about is full of hispanics that don't speak english...this is big business now. We are being told to learn spanish if you want to grow your business.

Jay Moreno said...

Ah, but the labels on the products were in English and the prices were in dollars and cents, right?
No doubt your daughter was able to complete her shopping in spite of the language difference, just as Hispanics do every day in Walmarts all over the country. Moreover, many companies now print the instructions on thier products in both English and Spanish. It seems to me that that should be more than sufficient and totally obviate the need for Spanish only stores.

Pollyanna said...

My daughter knew she was going to a hispanic grocery...she went there to find some special products for a mexican meal she was preparing. It is my understanding that they are different in that they mainly carry the products the hispanic like and are not carried in alot of regular grocery stores. In 1973 when we lived in Medford, Oregon there was a very large hispanic population who worked in the orchards in Rogue Valley. It was interesting to see their grocery carts filled with whole chickens, lard, corn flour, lots of fresh peppers, vegetables and dozens of fresh eggs etc. etc. You don't see the hispanics that "just crossed the border" buying alot of convenience foods etc. They buy staples and cook more from scratch.

Pollyanna said...

Here is a link to Bravo Supermarkets of Florida..."Hispanic Publix" as you can see from the colors only.