Thursday, March 26, 2009

So tell us, Tripp: Will you now do the right thing and ban yourself from TOPIX?

FROM TOPIX, Kingsland:

tommygun3 “Procrastinators unite tomorrow” Joined: Dec 18, 2007 Comments: 1006 White Oak ISP: Kingsland, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #1 Sunday Mar 22 Judged: 1 1 My wife and I have been started growing annuals and perennials, and are working on starting a nursery specializing in these and ground covering plants. Right now we only have our hobby greenhouse, but we do have it full of over 1,100 Marigolds, Petunias, and Dianthus. They will be ready for planting by the end of April. If any of you would like to buy any of these, we are reserving trays or even single plants now. Price per 4" cup plant is $1, or get a tray of 18 for $13.50. These plants are guaranteed to surpass the quality of any plant you get from your local do-it-yourself superstore. Our goal is to provide landscape companies and retail nurseries around the area from Darien to Jacksonville with a high quality and affordable plant locally, without having to order from Savannah or abroad. But, we must get our name out first. To do this we are offering these plants to you and offering to deliver them personally, if you wish, for no extra fee and no matter the quantity ordered. If you are interested in this please respond via email at We will also have a both at the Crawfish Festival on Saturday, April 25 offering annuals, perennials, and other plants from our hobby greenhouse. We plan to have our nursery, Plant Culture Nurseries, open and producing hundreds of thousands of the finest annuals and perennials by the end of this year. We would love to show you personally what our idea of perfection is compared what you will get from the garden departments of the superstores. So far we have reserved several trays, but we still have plenty left. To get your flowers, just email me with how many you want, and I will contact you back with my phone number. These plants will be ready for delivery by the end of April, and you pay when we deliver them. NO ADVANCED PAYMENT. C.O.D only please. Please support local businesses when you can. We all benefit when you do. Thank You

Quoted from Topix "Terms of Service." "Use of the Service. You may only display the content of the Service for your own personal use (i.e., non-commercial use) and may not otherwise copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create derivative works, or publicly display any content. For example, you may not do any of the following: use the Service to sell a product or service; use the Service to increase traffic to your Web site for commercial reasons, such as advertising sales; take the results from the Service and reformat and display them, or mirror any portion of the results on your Web site; or use the Service as part of a "meta-search" offering."


I don't want to alarm you, but are you aware of the drastic drop in the value of your property from the last figure you volunteered? North of $300,000 as I recall.

CASEY THOMAS G III & ASHLEY B PO BOX 566 WOODBINE, GA 31569 037 041A H/LAND W/S NEW POST RD E'LY PORT OF 37-0-41 L1 R4 2.00 Acres 16400 Improvement Value S 161,190 Total Value: $178,390

CASEY THOMAS G III & ASHLEY B 505 NEW POST ROAD WHITE OAK, GA 315682825 037 041B V/LAND W/S NEW POST RD 17720 S0 0 R4 4.00 Acres 17720 Improvement Value: $0.00 Total Value$17,720.


Anonymous said... need money, honey? I thought you had plenty?

Tripp said...

It was less than 300k to begin with. I now own another 1.5 acres between my land and the park. Still sore from getting kicked off of topix I see. Why dont you contact the admins of the site and get my kicked. I rarely visit the site now anyway.

Jay Moreno said...

I don't do that sort of low down, chicken - $*#@ thing. I'm a big fan of the First Amendment.

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

Hey Thomas,

Do you recall, back in high school, David Green? There was a double date that you and he went on down to Ferandina Beach?
Just wondering.

Jay Moreno said...

Note: NOT to be confused with David Green, retired RMCM (SS) turned school teacher.