Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And now, an alternate opinion....

StMarysoldtimer Saint Marys, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #638 37 min ago I had occasion to sit through a council meeting last night and two things occured that has me really ticked off!! First (and for the second meeting in a row) council in its wisdom moved the executive session to the front of the agenda!! Then had the audacity to have the citizens sit idly by for 30 to 40 minutes while they deliberated on "something important" I'm sure!! How rude is that behavior...... Then, to add insult to injury, a young man got up to ask some questions (about the airport) of council and before he could finish his first sentence Dictator DeLoughy shut him up with the statement, "you may not ask questions of council, this is a time to state concerns, not asking questions." or words to this effect. Now I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but aren't the mayor and council members public servants? Isn't "Job 1" for them to be responsive to the citizens who put them in office? I don't know any more. Just some observations...... Oh, please! The "young man" in question was the aptly named Bob Nutter who, for the second meeting in a row, was there to show his ass over the airport issue in an apparent attempt to inure himself to his fellow Green eco-weenie whackos. This "young man" will never see 50 again and looks like he could well be 60. If you have cable, you would recognize him as the old pitchman for the wonderful career opportunities at Express Scripts. For openers, for the second meeting in a row, like some defiant middle grade punk, he starts off by pointedly giving his address as only "from Shadowlawn" rather than his actual street address as required and explained by the mayor moments before. Again, playing to his whacko audience just exactly the same as he did two weeks ago, his opening gambit is to accuse the mayor and council of not responding to his demand for answers to very accusatory and angrily worded e-mails he purports to have sent them all while brandishing copies that he intends to thrust upon all of them there at the meeting. When he angrily launched into aggressively reading his list of questions, the mayor, quite rightly, told him that the "public comments" section was not the public inquisition (my word) section and that he was to make comments - not interrogate the council. Trust me - the ass could not have been happier having evoked that response. He simply rephrased his questions as statements and was allowed to proceed uninterrupted. Now, as to the holding of executive session at the beginning of the meeting: it beats the hell out of the old alternative of having it at the end of a deliberately protracted meeting so that no one will still be there when you might have to come back out and vote on a potentially controversial issue, as was notoriously done in the Brandon administration. The wait was about 25 minutes last night. All seemed to enjoy the opportunity to talk with friends in the audience, including the Topix author, I might add.


Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Mr. Moreno -

I am not "Oldtimer" and while I may agree with the comments, I did not post them. Please verify your sources prior to publication as I don't want to be attributed to any comments that I did not make.

Thank you. Bob Nutter

Jay Moreno said...

Mr. Nutter,

Did you really and truly deduce from reading my post that I was attributing the Topix comment to you, or were you just trying to show your ass with me as well?

Trust me: any kid with a 4th grade reading competency would have known that I was not attributing it to you.

Anonymous said...

City of St. Marys Charter
Section 2-40
(6) Grant audience to the public. The amount of time allotted to each individual being limited to five minutes, provided that such request contains the address and telephone number of the individual requesting to address council. The request shall stipulate the subject, written details relative to the subject or concern to be addressed, and the desired solution. http://www.ci.st-marys.ga.us/pubdocs/Rules%20of%20Procedure-Municode.pdf

Mayor Deloughy and Council are in direct contravention of the Charter with their dictates of "no more than two minutes per citizen" during the "granting audience to the public" period of Council meetings. Nor do they have the right to proclaim that no questions can be asked of either the Council as a whole or individual Council members (as they did at the last Council meeting). So citizens can, indeed, ask "Where is the documentation that the Navy wants the airport moved?", "Will you show us the detailed plans for the financial plans/payment for environmental mitigation?", "Who benefits from this proposal (it certainly isn't the citizens of St. Marys)?" and so forth.

Jay Moreno said...

Two things are obvious: your reading comprehension leaves much to be desired and you obviously were not in attendance at the two meetings this year.

Nowhere in the charter section you cite does it say citizens nmay interrogate the mayor and council. Re-read it - slowly.

Had you been at the metings, you would know that the mayor opens the first public comment section by stating the rules and a FIVE minute time limit which is actually timed by the city attorney.