Monday, July 14, 2008

Yo' time is up!


Anonymous said...

A picture is truly worth thousands of words. His time is up and I have a friend who had to make a trip to Savannah. That indictment is coming. If you want to waste your vote you sure have an excellent chance tomorrow. Smith needs to hit the road and we need to put him in the road.

Jay Moreno said...

Yes, a vote for a soon-to-be-indicted, convicted, and imprisoned Smith would truly be a wasted vote.

Let me ask y'all this. Suppose that Smith and gregory were the same age, had virtually identical educational backgrounds and an equal number of years in law enforcement. In other words, a virtual toss up, except for the fact that Smith had all of his documented mis and malfeasance in office and was facing s federal indictment any day.

Why, oh why, would any rational, moral, ethical person vote for Smith rather than Gregory?

Anonymous said...

That sign says it all, times up. Time to go feed your own damn hogs
Vote Tommy Gregory tomorrow folks, lets put this hog farmer out for good.

Anonymous said...

Because he did something for them. It is a sign of the times. Morality and character are not what they use to be. It is greed and what he did for me. It doesn't matter what he did to others. It is like "he is my crook." It is the Clinton era. Morality and character are not important.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine said what I am afraid will put Bill back in office once again. He said he would rather have a thug who will do him a favor in office than someone who is honest. A SAD, SAD day for this county.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend that said she didn't care what Bill has done that he would still get her vote. THAT IS SAD. her husband works at the CCSO so he feels like he has to vote for him. They are upset with me since I voiced my opinion and Voting Tommy Gregory. They even tried to remove my Gregory for Sheriff signs. NOT!!!!! So right now they are not speaking. so much for being friends uh!. I can't wait till after the results so I can RUB IT IN after Tommy WINS.