Monday, February 2, 2009

Governor pushing for 1 cent sales tax increase state-wide.


Anonymous said...

Governor Sonny is pushing for more than a 1 cent increase in sales tax. He is pushing his self right out of the governorship I hope. The State of Ga. was in good shape until he took office and it has been down hill ever since. He just burdened us with more taxes on gasoline and now wants to increase tax on everything we purchase. He's too stupid to see that all of these taxes he is pushing for will only put more burden on those who are out of a job and those who live on a fixed income. How stupid can you get? He should run for the US Congress, where he would be in good company.

Anonymous said...

This does not suprise me at all. It is just like The news telling us that the price of a barrell of oil drops BUT the gas prices at the stations go up. It is all POLITICS and it Stinks.

Tripp said...

He isnt seeking another term. Thank GOD!!

Anonymous said...

Only because he can't run again!! There should be a term limit on all elected positions, especially locally. Everyone has more than the needed amount of employees, but no one wants to eliminate jobs to reduce the budgets. Why you ask.... Because most of the local employees were hired under the family and friends plan. So most unconscious elected officials would rather cut services than cut employees.