Friday, June 19, 2009

Change you can count on.


Anonymous said...

If I'm making 250,000.00 a year, I don't mind paying .10 extra per soda for healthcare.

Jay Moreno said...

Spoken like a true, class envious, redistributionist,liberal Democrat (redundancy noted).

Anonymous said...

"Class envious"...not with a personal annual income of 340,000.00+, I'm not. I just find it amusing to unleash your predictable diatribes.

Jay Moreno said...

But surely you subscribe to the liberal elites' noblesses oblige theory that you were just lucky and that the rest of us should subsidize those who were not so lucky until all have not have according to their needs whether they earn it or not.

By the way, what percentage of that gross do you pay in taxes?

What higher percentage would you like to pay?

Did you know that you can donate the differene to the federal government now without waiting for the tax increases? Now that you know, how much more of your money
will you be putting where your redistributionist mouth is?

Jay Moreno said...

And by the way, folks, did I or did I not call it right when I said that most of the green, eco-weenies are well-healed liberals who have made theirs and now really don't give a damn about the adverse economic impacts of their radical, anti-capitalist, environmemtal interference. "Greenery" is clearly a case in point. Can you imagine the grief she and her ilk would be causing the paper mill now if it were still in business?

Anonymous said...

Man, you'll believe almost anything won't you, Jay? This is kinda fun, actually...

Jay Moreno said...

Your real problem with me - and all conservatives - is actually that we will not.

Anonymous said...

“Well meaning” acquaintances have been directing me to your blog of late for you mention “Greenery” on a regular basis and they feel, for some unknown reason, that it might interest me. Having read some of your comments, I feel that I should disabuse you of various mistaken beliefs that you have formulated about me. (How you arrived at your conclusions, I do not know for, to the best of my knowledge, you and I have never met or communicated). You profess to be a defender of truth and thus I assume that you would not wish to be guilty of spreading misinformation. So…to illuminate you:

* I am neither “socialist” nor “liberal”. (Having been, for four years, the head of the local branch of the Conservative Party that would have been awkward in the extreme).
* I am not wealthy: I, like millions of Americans, struggle monthly to pay a (modest) mortgage and bills.
* I know little about the Durango Paper Mill: it was defunct well before I arrived here.
* I am not anti-development/capitalism: I adhere to the saying “The best social assistance is a job.” I am, however, opposed to destructive building proposals and dishonest government (but then aren’t we all?)

Sir, you are, of course, perfectly free to print what you wish on your blog: you appear to be a man of passionate beliefs and I admire the defense of those (whether I concur with them or not) but if you strive for accuracy and honesty I would suggest that you resist making false statements and publishing erroneous conclusions that are based on assumption alone.

Jay Moreno said...

Nice touch - pretending not to be the author of the last several posts I've respsonded to.

The "Conservative Party" head AND a green eco-weenie. My, but you are a rare bird! Now I get your empathy for fellow endangered species.

lefto eco grennie whacko said...

Its funny how you pretend conservatives tow the rope for the party, yet you take full advantage of the "socialist" programs for which you are so adamantly against. Why is that Jay. Surely a man of such stringent conservative values does not need a handout from your goverment when you can make it or break it on your very own. Or is it that you are the one that takes the handout when it is convienent and then bites the hand that doled it out?

Jay Moreno said...

Okay, even though I hardly think it possible, I'll pretent to believe that you truly are as ignorant as you would have us believe.

Since I became disadled at the age of 57, I have benefitted from Worker's Compenstion insurance and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)insurance.

Both programs are INSURANCE. At 57,I had been working for 40 years (graduated high school at 17). I PAID for my SSDI for 40 YEARS. I also qualify for Medicare. I PAY FOR IT currently. Worker's Comp is was paid for by my employer. In fact, it was paid for by all of my employers for 40 years. It was paid for with money that oherwise would have come to me as compensation.

I'm a conservative, NOT a fool. Why in the hell would I turn down benefits I've paid for for 40 years?