Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Who knew!?

According to one melodramatic local leftie, it would appear that unbeknownst to me, I have been elevated to the pantheon of despised and feared conservatives - dare I say right up there with Rush, Dick and Newt! See for yourself. Naturally, I'm surprised, but deeply honored. Archimedes Kingsland, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #129 31 min ago Moreno is, though replusively annoying, fairly harmless. He tries to fan the flames of hatred and bigotry in this county with his rhetoric...and the truly sad thing is that so many lower themselves to his mud-slinging standards. Stay above insults, people. The best way to deal with psychosis is to ignore it. Leave him to his strange rants - it seems that that's all he that he has in his life so he may be more deserving of pity than censure.

Oh, my goodness! Now it turns out that, according to Kingfish Feller, I am such a clear and present danger to the community that I have "to be watched" - presumably by the PC thought police!

sandy feller Saint Marys, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #130 1 hr ago Archimedes wrote: Moreno is, though replusively annoying, fairly harmless. He tries to fan the flames of hatred and bigotry in this county with his rhetoric...and the truly sad thing is that so many lower themselves to his mud-slinging standards. Stay above insults, people. The best way to deal with psychosis is to ignore it. Leave him to his strange rants - it seems that that's all he that he has in his life so he may be more deserving of pity than censure. (Now "No caps" Kingfish writes) you are.. (? sic) to a point. the ravings from this gentleman tend to turn people off. however, he has to be watched, least (sic -the dottering old fool meant "lest") he go too far. so i suppose the proper way is observe but maintain silence. good point, such people do not thrive well on silence.


Anonymous said...

Only you could read that and think someone was comparing you to those great men.

Jay Moreno said...

Puts me in mind of that distinctive whistling sound when a 122 mm rocket passes directly over your head.

Surely, you must have heard something quite like it when you read this post, right?

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I have to side with Sandy on this one. Even though I think you are both idiots, he got you one this one. Like you every saw combat. Give me a break, maybe a .22 over your head as a kid.

Jay Moreno said...

I was a Navy Hospital Corpsman (HM2)in I Corps, RVN, with the Marines from October of 1968 to November of 1969. Among the 13 ribbons on my old HMC's uniform is one called a "CAR," short for "Combat Action Ribbon." I did not get it out of a Cracker Jack box.