Tuesday, October 27, 2009

F.O.E. candidates' forum tonight at 6:30 PM.

If you don't know where the Fraternal Order of Eagles "aerie" is, off of Pt. Peter Rd. northbound, take a left at the road just beyond the police station. At the first building on the left behind the police station, take a left. It's on the far end of the building. For a good seat, you probably want to be there NLT 5:45. Oh, by the way, I've already taken all of my voting decisions so I'll be skipping this one to leave room for those who actually remain undecided (if there are such people on this one). After it's done, y'all are all welcome to come on here and comment. I'll publish even the most outrageous claims for the merits of the horses you're backing and, within reason, all of the slams you wish to fling. I'll try my best to choke down the obvious lies without correcting them.


Jay Moreno said...

Well, I got a phone call last night shortly after the forum ended. My rporters impressions were as follows. All of the candidates "performed from fairly well to extremely well, with the notable exception of Mr. Feller. His time has obviously passed. The audience was stacked with Cyphers /Rillo / DMA supporters. They cheered and clapped at most anything Cyphers and Rillo had to say, I'm told. I seriously dounbt if there was a soul in the audience who had not already long since made up their mind who they were voting for.

Anonymous said...

Yeah..... The airport issue has caused alot of voters to align with Cyphers, Rillo and Haney. The word sent out to many via email last night stated we must all throw our support behind the above mentioned three.

I think between the Camden Partnership theory and the airport issue people are'nt willing to give DeLoughy, Post or Williams a shot. It is being reported they are all CP candidates.

I don't think Hase or Trader will be re-elected either.

Jay Moreno said...

I found this account on TOPIX:

Alice Reply »
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9 hrs ago At the Eagle's candidate's forum tonight:
DeLoughy was appalling - he rolled his eyes, laughed and grimaced when anyone else spoke.
Cyphers was clear, honest and in command of the facts.
Eskridge spent much time reading his letter to the editor regarding home-owner taxes (Cyphers even had the grace to donate some of his minutes so that Eskridge could finish reading - they were on a time clock). Deloughy simply reiterated that he and the FAA have a "deal" regarding the airport but wouldn't let the rest of us no-accounts know what it was. He seemed far more concerned about expanding business in Camden County than in St. Marys. He, occasionally, brought up "litter-control" as a sop to some in the audience, but generally looked as if he'd far rather be home watching PBS that talking to the rabble of St. Marys.
Rillo was unusually concise and had the facts and documents to back up his statements. Howell was honest and straightforward, Weaver was endearingly honest, Williams was surprisingly eloquent, Morrissey waffled, and Post chanted "Navy, Me, Navy, Me" throughout. Haney was calm, forthright and presented the facts. Feller was heart-breaking - please, Sandy, stop promoting your blog!

If the audience tonight is indicative of the voting trend of St. Marys then we may (given the applause and response of the people there) have a chance at getting a strong and honest Mayor and Council.

Jay Moreno said...


Bob the Builder Reply »
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10 hrs ago I kinda missed ol' Jay at the Eagle's candidate's townhall meeting tonight. I guess the call of the "Alaskan cod" at Aunt B's was stronger than the call of "civic duty".

Insofar as I follow and cover local politics and politicians as much as anyone in this county, I have no need to go to one, last-minute dog-and-pony show to know who to vote for in the course of fulfilling my "civic duty."

By the way, it's Alaskan pollock, and it is served on Mondays and Fridays. Moreover, Aunt B's closed a t 2:00 PM yesterday.

By the way, folks, Aunt B's will be open on Thanksgiving day.

Jay Moreno said...

Another report form TOPIX:

Reply »
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9 hrs ago My take on last night’s Eagle’s town hall forum:

The moderator asked all of those in support of airport relocation to stand. As expected, Post, DeLoughy, Morrissey and Weaver leapt to their feet. He then asked those opposed to relocation to stand: Rillo, Feller, Cyphers, Eskridge, Haney, Williams and Howell stood (again, as expected). The notable majority of the audience applauded the latter.

Abridged version of the airport question/answer period:
Rillo was well prepared and concise (he had to be concise in that each candidate was allowed one minute per response). He cited facts and offered documentation to back up his anti-relocation stance.
Feller was a bit difficult to hear but vehement in opposition of relocation.
Cyphers spoke of the costs to the tax-payers of power-line relocation, the loss of an asset and his belief that if the Navy wanted the airport closed it would simply demand it. Eskridge said that he was against it but powerless to effect the “voting block” on Council. Post again reiterated his connection to the Navy and said that it should be moved.
Haney, Williams and Howell supported Cyphers’ statements with their own agreement. Morrissey felt that the relocation would help the county by bringing in jobs and income. DeLoughy waved a folder about and said the he was close to a deal with the FAA that would release the City from having to reimburse the FAA $10 million. He stated that he could not expand on that “deal” but it “was coming up”.

General impressions: DeLoughy grew increasingly agitated throughout the forum, grimacing, grinning and shaking his head as other candidates spoke. He was, quite clearly, annoyed by the proceedings. Rillo was contained and clear. Eskridge spoke of his accomplishments as Mayor. Howell was honest and used down-home humor to win over the audience. Williams was unusually eloquent. Post was a one-note Navy cheerleader. Haney was calm, clear and well prepared. Feller was weak but oddly compelling. Morrissey seemed out of his league and Cyphers came off as being honest, informed, pro-business and protective of the citizens.

One interesting moment came when the moderator asked all candidates who would be willing to accept the “job” at no pay to stand. Most did. Cyphers remained firmly seated. Deloughy bobbed up and down until he figured out what Cyphers would do and then he laughed and stood up. One of two others remained sitting (I forget which ones – sorry). Someone in the back of the room yelled,“The ones sitting are the honest ones.”

An interesting evening all ‘round. Make your choices, everyone. The main thing – no matter whom you choose – is to get out and vote.

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate but evident that the airport relocation is the issue that will decide this election. If the Eagles forum is any indication, the anti move candidates stand a good chance of winning. I think the voters are finally getting fed up with the airport issue. The race for mayor typifies the difference between the candidates. Deloughy wants to continue the project endlessly with his vague and mysterious promises of actions in the works and letters we will receive someday. Cyohers is in favor of getting the council out of the airport debate and getting on with important issues. Eskridge just blames the previous council. Personally, I'm fed up with the unending airport mess. We have been hashing it around for 6 years and all we have accomplished is to enrich some engineers. It is time to stop this and get back to the important business of running the city. I have decided to vote for Cyphers for mayor. I will probably not vote for Post or Weaver which is a shame because, except for their support of the airport move money pit, they are well qualified.