Friday, October 9, 2009

St. Marys PW crew cab truck T-bones civilians at intersection in front of Mail and More.

The hell of the note is that the damned long-overdue traffic lights are hung, but with plastic bags still over them! I was having late lunch / early supper at Aunt B's today. At about 1520 HRS, some patrons starting craning their necks over by the windows. Seems there had been yet another wreck at that intersection. I got finished eating and out there about 1540 HRS. There were the usual there: one fire truck, two EMS boxes, and every on-duty member of SMPD patrol division. Additionally, there were three St. Marys Public Works trucks there: the crew cab in the accident, one other pick up, and Bobby Marrs' command truck. One of the EMS boxes departed just as I arrived on scene. A bystander told me that the mid-sized sedan that was T-boned by the PW truck carried two women - one heavily pregnant - and a child. All three were transported - apparently none with life threatening injuries. In typical fashion (yes, I've seen them respond there before) the 2 boxes had blocked ingress and egress to and from that parking lot in front of Mail and More completely. One fellow told me that he had arrived seconds after the accident. He said the PW driver and passenger were saying it was the civilian's fault. This fellow said that one of the employees - I think in that men's clothing store - had witnessed the whole thing and said it was the PW truck's fault. All I know is that the truck was on Kings Bay Road heading towards the base (north). The car was heading east, either turning left off of Walmart-bound Kings Bay or coming straight across from the road to the soccer fields. The guy was not sure. By the time I could finally get out, Bill Shanahan was there. I sort of half jokingly leaned out he window and asked "Do you have any comment for my blog?" He replied, and I quote "You can say that if it had not been for the heroic actions of this driver (pointing to the nearby PW truck driver) those poor people may have been killed." I had to move because I had a car behind me. As I drove off, I thought about what he had said. The PW truck was still sitting out in Kings Bay. If the base was at 12:00 o'clock, the front of the truck was at about 2:30. The car, which had been moved up into the parking lot, was impacted at an angle on the passenger side back door. I'm guessing what he meant was that in the nano-seconds before impact, the PW driver had cut hard to the right to affect a tangential blow rather than a perpendicular one. At any rate, hopefully that light will be working soon. That is clearly a bad interesction.


Anonymous said...

Jay did you know that the City Manager Bill Shanahan and Chief Tim Hatch ordered the officers on scene to work the accident with the City involved vehicle. This is clearly a conflict of intrest and should have been worked by the Georgia State Patrol which was recommended by the officer on scene. He was ordered to investigate the accident per the City Manager. Could you please shine your words of wisdom on this situation. It is potential for civil liabilty and could seem biased with the City working such an accident involving several injuries.

Jay Moreno said...

By Gadfry (people used to actually say that) that is a very astute observation. I know that it is pro forma when a city or county cop car is involved to call GSP, but your point is well taken.

By the way, the guy who arrived seconds after the impact - the gave who gave me details and said the guy in the zoot suit store actually witnessed it - that guy told me that he had taken plenty of pictures on his cell phone before they moved the vehicles from their original post-crash positions. He's the one who said that the eye witness said it was "clearly the trucks fault."

We shall see.

In any event, I smell a law suit coming.

Anonymous said...

jay,i was not there but just going off your words. truck going north on kingsbay rd.unless it ran a red light or stop sign. how could any car get t-boned without running a redlight,stop sign or plain out pulling out in front of them.

Jay Moreno said...

Yeah, I agree. I think that vitually all of the accidents there have involved someone either turning left off of southbound Kings bay or, more rarely, coming all the way across from the soccer field road. My guess it it often involves someone turning or crossing mistakenly thinking they only need to let one north bound car get through the imntersection when, in fact , there is a second car in the right hand land hidden by the larger vehicle the turner is aware of in the left northbound lane.

I saw no braking evidence that the PW truck was speeding.