Saturday, October 24, 2009

The St. Marys Citizens' Advisory Board for Beautification is asking for suggestions.

The apparently re-named St. Marys Citizens' Advisory Board for Beautification is soliciting suggestions from citizens as to how best to beautify St. Marys. I've already suggested a field trip to Savannah for a guided tour by the Parks and Trees Department. If you have suggestions, please e-mail them to For some strange reason, they have a "deadline" of Saturday, October 31st.


Anonymous said...

(1)Start on the West side of the city with a very large bulldozer and push everything in it's path East towards the waterfront until it gets wet. Once you have a clean slate, start over!
(2)Offload all of the current politicians and pile them to compost,then use them to fertilize the new growth which will inevitably sprout forth!

Jay Moreno said...

I sensing that you are not entirely satisfied with the civic status quo in St. Marys.