Sunday, December 13, 2009

Glynn County seriously considering tasers for school security officers.


Anonymous said...

Gee. Let me see if I get this correct. Every thing we did in the 50's and early 60's was tossed out and now they want to zap the kids.

The crazy liberals created a situation when discipline is a no, no and government regulation is all over the teachers. If we were so messed up in our ealier hanlding of children how was it improved by letting the children be a bunch of smart asses? We graduate kids that have no sense of responsibilty, morality or character. That can't hardly read or write. The "hardly" is being kind. Can you imagine society in few more years? The consequences of all this is coming on soon enough. The dunder heads will be running (runing) the area and what we will see is an example of a failing public school system.

Anonymous said...

Its too late. I live in St. Marys and I think that they are already running things.