Thursday, December 31, 2009

Loss of BTW's annual contributions must have really hurt.,2933,581572,00.html?test=latestnews


Jay Moreno said...

In answer to the questionyou asked me not to publish:I think that is right but then, if they don't come up with formal charges, they have to release you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I can always count on you.

Anonymous said...


Jay Moreno said...

You must be a newcomer. "BTW" is short for Big Thug Wille, i.e. former Sheriff Bill Smith who used to spend tens of thousands of dollars from the confiscated drug funds illegally every year to send various pastors and their flocks out to this guys church in California, ostensibly to learn how to come back to Camden and save drunk sand drug addicts. He flew them first class and put them up in a resort hotel in addition to paying their large fees to Rick Warren. He was, of course, buying their votes.

Oh,I get it now. Sorry. A reader asked me a question here in the comments section which she did not want me to publish. Insofar as I do not see an e-mail address for commenters,this was the only way I could answer them.

Anonymous said...

Since we never had our church incorporated in our 100+ history and the new pastor has made this decision. Will we be responsible for paying taxes?

Notice is given that articles of incorporation that will incorporate Young Zion
Missionary Baptist Church, Inc., have been delivered to the Secretary of State
for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code O.C.G.A. 14-3-201.1. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at P. O. Box
6622, St. Marys, Georgia 31558, and its initial registered agent at such address is Quan D. Glover.
1/1, 1/8 - #2790

Anonymous said...

Looks as though he did not need BTW's money after all. He got more money than he even asked for as most Preachers do. I think faith beliefs misguide our monetary beliefs sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Rick Warren receive 2.4 million in contributions in two days. SUCKERS..

Jay Moreno said...

Regarding you church and taxes, churches, as you know, are generally exempt from taxation unless they engage in certain proscribed activites. I'm not 100% certain, but I do beleive that youcan have an incorporated chucrch and still be tax-free. However, did your church sell the property to the developer that is putting up the apartment complex next door and behind y'all? That may have something to do with it.If y'all did sell that property, I'm sure your church is more flush with cash than it has ever been.

Any CPAs in the audience?