Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sound off!

Camden Commentary will turn 96 weeks old tomorrow with closing in on 235,000 hits. In the new year, what kind of posts would you like to see more of ? Less? Ideas for new features? Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Jay I think you need to be the watchdog for excessive General County Govt. spending and bring it to thier attention at the BOC meetings. They want to watchdog Departments and Department Heads but not themselves, so hold them accountable PLEASE.

Anonymous said...

Can you also make us more aware of the functions of all County offices. Including ways to bring about positive growth and changes in the various departments. As mentioned earlier please bring attention to these areas at the BOC meetings. PLEASE......

Anonymous said...

I would really like to see more local issues addressed and not this yapping back and forth between who ever takes a crack at you. We could care less about those long responses to some silly, snide remark, etc. by some one.

For example a $500,000.00 medium in front of the new school. The raping of the Gilman Park, out rageous government projects like spending $600,000.00 to replace a busted culvert at the State Park boat ramp. There are just great issues that are being passed over. I just don't follow the blog that much any more because of all the silly snipping back and forth.

Jay Moreno said...

Thanks to all who have made suggestions so far. I'll comment on them all as soon as they stop coming in.

For now, just let me observe that it would appear that sometime years ago,it became common practice in Camden County to mistakenly call the grassy divider between the lanes of some roads as a "medium." I just heard a woman use it adressing city council the other night. Actually, it is a "median."