Monday, April 5, 2010

What in the hell was that?

Well, if the definition of a UFO is an unidentified flying object, then I guess I would have to say I saw a UFO this afternoon. And I wasn't the only one to see it.

It was about 4:05 PM this afternoon. I was sitting in my wheelchair in front of the St. Marys branch of Coastal Bank across 40 from the St. Marys Middle School.  I was having a very interesting conversation about the state of the nation with the highly intelligent, well read, and always interesting Mr. Frank Saffold.

The blue sky was crystal clear with virtually unlimited visibility. Frank and I were both facing the middle school. At the same instant, we both spotted a very curious looking craft of some kind moving from the right of our field of vison to the left, at an estimated altitude of between 250 and 350 feet. We picked it up just west of the Taco Bell.  It was flying level and straight as an arrow on a course paralleling Hwy 40 westbound. I would estimate that when it crossed Spur 40, it passed roughly over James Jewelers. We followed it visually until it was approximately down over the new apartments behind my house where it took a very sharp southward turn and rapidly disappeared.

I know what you're thinking - a small plane coming out of the St. Marys Airport. Well, let me describe this thing. Imagine that you took 3, 4X8 sheets of plywood and painted them brilliant white. Now, in you mind's eye, lay one sheet down flat on the floor. Now, take the other two and stand them up on end on top of the one on the floor so that the two upright ones form a "V".  Now, bolt them onto the one on the floor in that position.

Now, picture the above construction, in that position, sharp edge of the V forward, about 300 feet in the air moving in a straight line at about 500 miles an hour and making absolutely no noise and leaving no contrails or exhaust trails. There was no visble prop or jet engine. There was no visible fuselage or cockpit.

I know how it sounds, but that is what Frank and I both saw. I look forward to someone who actually knows telling me convincingly what that was. And no, I've never had any prior UFO encounters and don't believe in little green men but we saw what we saw.


Ronnie said...

Wow. I wish one of you had a cell phone camera. Interesting.

Jay Moreno said...

Me too.

I wonder if that new, high tech company in town - the one that develops cameras and what not for military UAVs - might have been flying some kind of fast and silent UAV?

The really weird thing is that this object had no aerodynamic characteristics that I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like experimental aircraft of some kind. Very interesting!

Jay Moreno said...

That's what I'm thinking. If it was a UAV, obviously, there is an advantage to its being silent.

I was particularly struck by the stability of the thing. It was not climbing out from the airport, but flying on a perfectly straight and level course, absolutely parallel to the ground. There was absolutely no pitching, yawing, bobbling - nothing. It kind of reminded me of something moving across a video screen.

Anonymous said...

I have seen this or something simular for the past two weeks in north Camden at night. it has red lights and white lights. it will sit in one position for awhile then you can see it moving like it is unstable then it turns and moves in the sky and will then disappear. I have not heard any noise. others have said it is a DNR helicopter looking for pot plants. Could be, I don't know but did see something, it was out there again last night around 1:30 am.

Jay Moreno said...


This thing had no lights and no markings. The visible surfaces were a brilliant white and flat and rectangular with sharp edges.
I saw no prop or rotor or jet engine on it, but the means of propulsion was probably hidden behind the white, verticle plane nearest us.

Whatever the propulsion system was, it had one hell of an effective muffler on it. But, conversly, it would have had a relatively big radar cross section viewed from the sides.

Anonymous said...

You have probably already viewed this youtube video from St. Marys last night but will give you the address to watch just in case.

Jay Moreno said...

Yes, I've seen that. The thing we saw had nothing in commom with the object in the video. It was neither reflective or luminescent. It was just a bright white, like if you had put several coats of high gloss white paint on a 4 X 8 sheet of plywood. It stood out starkly against the blue sky.

The thing we saw flew so straight an level it was as if it had been running on straight railrod tracks.
There was no deviation in altitude, attitude, or direction until it got almost out of sight and took a sudden 90 degree turn to the south and disappeared from view.