Thursday, April 1, 2010

Yes, it is such a just, reasonable, and peaceful religion!

Oh, excuse me. I've violated the sacred U.S. Liberal tenet of "cultural relativism."


hannah said...

Saudi Arabia is a kingdom where rulers wear robes and men hold hands. You'll remember that it was because Saudi Arabia decided having American troops and armaments prepositioned on its soil, after all, that the U.S. Air Force had to relocate to Qatar and the Bushes decided that bases in Iraq were a better idea, after all.
The only trouble with that plan was that Saddam Hussein wanted something in exchange for leasing the U.S. land for bases--specifically, to reclaim Iraq's historic access to the Gulf, now known as Kuwait. Poppy Bush gave his tacit approval and Saddam moved his pathetic army into Kuwait. Then Poppy lowered the boom and directed the new world order to teach Saddam a lesson and sent him back to Baghdad to lick his wounds. And, out of gratitude that Baghdad wasn't attacked, Saddam was supposed to let the U.S. have bases (plans for 14 were laid) from which it would be easy to "provide stability to the region."
Instead, the lesson Saddam learned was that the U.S. is not to be trusted. And the rest is history.
The SOFA George W. agreed to before he left office was a sort of short term lease with no option to renew. That's why in 2011 all the U.S. forces will be gone.
If you had access to Blount Island, you'd see all the hardware the Pentagon is collecting from the desert and shipping home, wrapped in shrink-wrap to preclude the introduction of exotic pests.
Conservatives are, at heart, royalists. That's why they consort with kings and, as Bush Jr. and McCain have been quite ready to admit, yearn to head up the next best thing, a dictatorship.
The advantage of a dictatorship is that it needn't be hereditary. Dictators can be "democratically" selected. You know, like Putin.

Anonymous said...

The only wanna-be dictatorship I have seen on American soil in the last 70 years is called the Obama regime, HANNAH