Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Royal Weaver unveils colorful website with long list of calculated, campaign-oriented memberships.

So far, it would appear that Royal has a lot of military leadership and NEC (MOS for non-Navy types)-specific technical training, but no formal higher education beyond high school. Perhaps he will reveal it, if any, in later additions to the website. While I will leave it to the voters to evaluate his statement "I won't always be the smartest person in the room,...,"* I will say that based upon my personal observations and interactions with him, he will almost certainly be the most compulsively gregarious person in the room, in a sort of oddly manic, "aggressively friendly" kind of way.

Let me suggest the following exercise which I just completed. Go to Royal's website. Start at the top of the
red column on the left. One-at-a-time, read each and every one of the touted memberships and activities.
After each one, ask yourself how that has actually benefitted you as a citizen-taxpayer as opposed to merely methodically building a contrived political resume in anticipation of this candidacy. Then ask yourself how you imagine that each one has better quailfied Royal to add county commissioner to his list of activities in lieu of an actual job. So far as I can tell, the only one is the Camden Citizen's Academy. I'll "graduate" from that about a week after the November election, by the way.

* By the pure luck of the genetic draw, I, on the other hand, with an IQ just 4 points shy of the recognized threshold for "genius" and a Naval GCT score of 140 more often than not am "the smartest person in the room." I hope that the voters will allow me to put that gift to work for them.


Anonymous said...

From Wikipedia: "Abe Lincoln's formal education consisted of about 18 months of schooling, but he was largely self-educated and an avid reader." Is post-secondary education necessary to successfully be a district 4 commissioner?

Jay Moreno said...

Absolutely. In this day and time, I would aver that there is no reason to settle for anyone in office devoid of at least a bachelor's degree - especially when many of the department heads in government have masters degrees. Elections should not be beauty or popularity contests.

Note that Lincoln went on to become well educated and was, in fact, a practicing attorney long before being elected to office.

Anonymous said...

On this blog and your political blog, it is all about your IQ. Are you trying to win an election for a County Commission Seat, or just trying to, as you have always done, make people think you are with out a doubt the smartest man in Camden County? What you are actually doing is turning these South Georgia rednecks against you 100%. You must remember, if by some slim chance you are elected, you will be only one of five and very insignicant.

Jay Moreno said...

I could not disagree more. I commissioner with the ability and guts to take the right decision - regardless of the political consrquences - thewn not only vote accordingly but effective persuade the others to follow suit can be very effective and beneficial to the voters.

Many of the rednecks you refer to rail against Steve Berry, but in their heart-of-hearts, they know that his is highly intelligent, highly persuasive, and highly efective. I believe that I can be equally insightful, persuasive, and effective.

I am trying to convey to the voters that at this stage of my life, I feel a sense of noblesse oblige to use my innate abilities to try my best to make life better in Camden County for all socio-economic strata, consistent with conservative principles.

Anonymous said...

I would suggest readers go to your campaign blog, and look for any contribution you have made to the County in anyway, shape or form. I will take street smarts over book smart everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. And no, I am not a Thuggie, or a life long resident of Camden County.

Jay Moreno said...

The concept of choosing an office holder based upon manic joining of every possible organization is only marginally less non-sensical than electing a commissioner based upon her beauty or on his popularity.

Better office holders are largely a function of deeper thinking voters.

Anonymous said...

You do know that part of the job is to be a salesman for the county. What have you done to put to postive light on Camden? It looks like Weaver is already doing that. Have you looked at what he does in those organizations? What have you done for anybody ever?

Anonymous said...

Wasn't your IQ test one off the internet?
Those comments by you stating how smart you are will cause you to loose in Camden County. You want Everyone to think you are smarter than everyone else in this county, and that will not fly.

Jay Moreno said...

Now,now, let's be accurate. Statistically, my IQ is in the bottom range of the top 2% of human IQ's. That means that in all probability I am more innately intelligent than only 98% of the people of Camden COunty.

Believe me - it's not attributable to anything I did. I was just born that way. Pure luck. If I am willing to put that gift to work for the citizens, why would they turn it down in favor of a grinning, back-slapping, hand-pumping, gadfly of lesser intelligence. It makes no sense.

Jay Moreno said...


You might want to brush up on the differnece between "loose" and "lose."