Friday, April 30, 2010

Confessed Darien bank robber gets OJed.

Here's the link to my campaign blog.

Be patient. It is still under construction.

Final tally of qualifying candidates.

At the close of qualifying at noon today, the qualified candidates are as follows:

For District 2: Catherine Nisi Zell (Incumbent).

                       E.B. Herrin.

                       Charles Clark Jr. (on the ballot as
                       "Chuck Clark").

For District 4: The incumbent, Charlene Sears, is NOT running.

                        Gary Blount (the CPA, not the principal).

                        Julian W. Moreno, Jr (on the ballot as
                        "Jay Moreno").

                        Royal Weaver

All candidates are running as Republicans.

Who knew? It is legal NOW for teachers to have guns in their cars on campus.

Would you approve or disapprove of the school system rehiring this reportedly excellent math teacher?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oh, by the way, I qualified today.

Yes,  I qualified around 2:00  this afternoon.

I'm currently working on a campaign blog which I will launch soon.

Update: Here is the link to that blog.

I will not discuss the county commission races further on this blog other than perhaps to announce any late qualifiers who may do so before noon tomorrow.

CCBOC meeting Tuesday.


Camden County Board of Commissioners

Government Services Building, (Courthouse Square)

200 East 4thStreet, 2nd Floor, Room 252,

Commissioners’ Meeting Chambers

Woodbine, Georgia

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Convene Work Session at 5:30 PM

 Employee Health Insurance Update
(By the way, Mike Fender told me yesterday that the county has already realized savings in the first quarter of this year traceable to the changes to the paln designed to inhibit over utilization.)

Adjourn Work Session

Convene Regular Meeting at 6:00 PM

Opening Ceremonies

• Invocation

• Pledge

Roll Call

Agenda Amendments

Adoption of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

• April 27, 2010 Regular Meeting minutes


• Proclamation recognizing National Police Week. (Read by Commissioner Charlene Sears)

• Proclamation recognizing National Salvation Army Week. (Read by Vice-Chair Zell)
(Now that Charlene is not running, look for all proclamations to be read by Zell between now and the election.)
• Fiscal Year 2010 3rd Quarterly Report. (Presented by Mike Fender)

• Presentation of Fiscal Year 2011 Budget. (Presented by Mike Fender & Steve Howard)

Public Comments

Regular Agenda

Administration – County Administrator Steve Howard

1. Approval for Chair to execute Tax Release Applications.

2. Consideration of Relief regarding Ad Valorem Taxes. (Presented by Adam Kabasakalian)

3. Approval of Building dedication in honor of Robert Mumford, Jr.

Public Safety – Emergency Management Director Mark Crews4. Amendment to Agreement for Hazard Mitigation Planning Services


• Calendar – May / June

• County Administrator’s Report

Additional Public Comments

Adjourn BOC Meeting

Please be advised that this agenda is subject to amendments. Please contact the Office of the County Clerk at (912) 576-5651 before 5:00 PM the day of the scheduled meeting to obtain such amendments.

Body confirmed to be Bryce Tarter. CCSO marine search unit made discovery of submerged truck.

The funeral will be held in Camden County.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Camden County's Citizen's Academy

I attended my first full length session this morning in Woodbine in the commission meeting room from 8:15 to 11:15.

Presenters this morning were Steve Howard, Staci Bowick, Mike Fender, Adam Kabasakalian, and Katie Bishop.

That was time very well spent. County government would have been woefully unready had the expected building boom actually occurred prior to Mr. Howard's arrival and his assembling the upper management team he has put into place. I believe I can speak for all participants when I say that I was most favorably impressed by this morning's presentation, particularly the professionalism of the presentations and the quality of the supporting printed materials. When the economy recovers and development begins again, we have a great team in place and ready.

Even at this early stage of the game, I can heartily recommend this experience to anyone who can find the time next year.

Tragically, it would appear that Bryce Tarter's body has been found in his truck, submerged in a creek in Savannah.


St. Marys' latest iteration of alcohol ordinance goes to attorney for review.

"Highly dissatisfied" ain't even close!

I guess my lawn will be on its own because the sprinkler system will definitely be turned off.

Update:  I got a call last night from Councilwoman Hase just after her daily reading of my blog.
She was perturbed that Gordon Jackson had, if not gotten it all wrong, not gotten it all right either.
There was a finance committee meeting Monday afternoon.  Gordon (atypically) was there. The finance director made the statement early on that if they were to rely solely on a water / sewer rate increase to cover the shortfall in cash flow to service the bond debt, that it would require a 65% rate increase. That much is true. However, Councilwoman Hase reports that by the end of the meeting, after discussing alternatives, it was the concensus of the committee that no more than a 30% increase (as if that's not bad enough) would be enacted.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The late news from north and south Camden.

Well, I lit out for Woodbine about 2:00 this afternoon. I had not eaten and Aunt B's was closed soI went on a spy mission to that new "Western Buffet." The short version is don't even think about it. I wouldn't slop a hog with that mess unless I was really mad at it.

Anyway,I got on up to Woodbine and dropped by Judge Gillette's office on a two-fold mission. One was to renew my long expired license to carry ( a weapon, for you Libs). Man, the price of that sucker has gone up. It was $45.00 when I got my first one in Camden in 1994. It's up to $70.00 now. Secondly, I picked up the paperwork to qualify later in the week for the District 4 commissioners race, if no one way more qualified runs. So far - so good.

Then, I went to Katie Bishops office and got her to let me look through the file where they have bits and pieces of different iterations of the county charter from years gone by, but no whole copy of the charter. You heard me right - our county goverment apparently does not have an entire copy of the current charter they operate under. However, they have made inquiries of the Secretary of States Office hoping they might be able to find one and send them a copy.

Update on 4/27 at 11:22 AM. I just got an e-mail from Katie Bishop. While the file I saw yestewrday was bits and pieces of various bills to amend the charter, the full charter was not there. However, the current version is now on the county website in it's entirety. Here''s the link Katie has e-mailed to me.

This is apparently a recent addition as Steve Howard told me a few weeks ago, right after Berry's anouncement, that it was not yet on there.

Note the short and sweet version of the way to fill a vacancy.

As it stands now, they are awaiting the Secretary of State's office to send them a hard copy of the official document witht the seal on it. They currently do not have one.

Thanks, Katie.

At any rate, it appears that there is no provision in the county charter for holding a special election to replace a deceased, incapacitated, or resigned commissioner. At about 4:30, I was sitting just outside Katies office talking to County Attorney Brent Greene about that very subject. In walked Steve Berry. I told him what we had been discussing. Steve said that he had personally written the last revison to the charter regarding vacancies and that I was absolutely right. He had deliberately omitted any provison for a special election to save the estimated cost of $30,000 for a special election.

Well, let's look at the present case. When Steve resigns effective 31 August, a new guy or gal, appointed by a mjority vote of the remaining commissioners will serve for 15 months untilt he normal end of Berry term on 31 December 2012.  The way the charter is currently set up, that is perfectly legal. Had Berry resigned effective the end of this month, his replacement would have served 19 months without being voted in by the citizens of District 3. Would you folks just as soon see it stay this way, or would you prefer a special election within 90 days of the vacancy occuring?

At 5:00, they had the workshop on the budget deficit. It turns out that that was because Commissioner Zell has to be on a plane to Minnesota tomorrow morning and will miss tomorrow nights meeting. 
Here is the situation:  Oh, hell, it's late - I'll tell you tomorrow.

Oh, it turns out that today, Zell, Weaver, and E.B. Herrin qualified to run. I learned from a reliable source that Charlene is NOT running. 

Then I tore down to the St. Marys City Council meeting. More on that tomorrow.

Hasta manana.

4/27: Gordon Jackson confirms that Sears is not running.

I think that that is an ideal job for Charlene. I know she will do well and do good. She is obviously already well into it as she missed last night's budget workshop citing a work conflict.

Speaking of the budget workshop, here is the situation.

County revenues from FY 09 to FY 11 have dropped by $3,000,000.

After all department heads submitted cuts, there remains a $391,307 deficit to fully fund the FY 11 budget.

Here are the options presented by the county administrator.

Option 1: A 0.25 mil tax increase.

Option 2: An across-the-board 3.6 salary reduction.

Option 3: Draw down $200,000 from the fund balance and have an across-the-board slary reduction of 1.6%.

Option 4: Reduce the fund balance by the entire $391,307 and have no salary reduction and no tax increase.

Needless to say, Rainer was lightning quick to jump on board with Option 4. Everyone else was quick to reject Option 1, but said it was narrowed down to a choice between Options 3 and 4.

Here's my take on it.

Under no circumstances should a budgetary shortfall be taken out of the hides of the employees. That is not their problem as employees- only as fellow taxpayers.

Rainer and the thankfully defunct Terrible Troika's long practice of raiding the fund balance to keep from having to face up to the need for gradual tax increases has gotten us to where we are now.

Let's take a look at Option 1 in some detail.

Let's assume for the moment that we are looking at the effect of a 0.25 mil increase on a 40 y/o homeowner with no exemptions whatsoever (i.e., worst case scenario.) Forevery $100,000 of appraised value he would only pay the quarter mil on the assessed value of $40,000. Ergo, the tax on every $100,000 of appraised value would be $10.00. (A quarter mil is 25 cents per $1,000 of assessed value).

So, the increased tax on a $100,000 home is $10.00; a $250,000 home, $25.00; a $500,000 home, $50.00.

Personally, as a taxpayer, I would have no objection to a 0.25 mil increase as an alternative to any of the remaining options. That seems the far more prudent and reasonable course of action, yet there clearly does not currently exist on our CCBOC either the individual or combined courage to look the voters in the face and explain that to them. I know the usual jackals will attack me for that, but how many of you agree with me?

The St.Marys City Council meeting was largely uneventful. There was an announcement by Barbara Ryan with a cameo appearance by Doug Vaught that they have landed a movie to be filmed entirely on location in St.Marys. I forget the title but it is about a hurricane. It will star the "distinguished" actor, somebody Scott, the son of the late, great George C. Scott.

Cookie Johnson used her entire five minutes. Covered a variety of issues, but mostly characterized as a recitiation of the burdens of still being a de-facto, ex-officio, councilwoman-at-large. And of course, the usual attack on the mayor pro tem.

A couple of folks got up and spoke of the inevitable downfall of St.Marys if the new alcohol ordinance with a provision for open containers in festival zones is passed.

Oh, and at the end, as usual, Bob Nuttier demanded to know all sorts of data on the city's debt service. He said he had cut short a trip just to be there. As usual, he refused to give his full address as required. Apparently, he got in late and slept in the cargo shorts and rumpled old dress shirt he was wearing untucked over deck shoes with no socks. The day's growth of unshaven beard  topped off the expression of disdain for the mayor and council that he was striving for. At the rate he is going, I fully expect him to show up in no more than a dirty jock strap before the year is out.

That was pretty much it. I left when they went into executive session. I'm sure that the T&G will have whatever happened after that.

64 photos from annual SCAD sidewalk-arts-festival.

My kind of environmentalist.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The old consummate vote whore now showing a little leg to the local Tea Party.

CACAH declares May 20th "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day."

Spoken like a true, radical, Green-eco-weenie!


April 24th, 2010

7:50 pm ET Who would of ever thought?? In a way this is the best thing that could of happened . Before Obama opens up more and more of our coast lines . Too bad about the fish .personaly I dont give a dam about the people. Remember Alaska the government gave out a big fine that was much later reduced to peanuts

Posted by: Couptaker
The first comment on CNN coverage of leak after oil rig sinking in the Gulf.

China contemplates allowing an increase inthe number of future consumers.

Sunday Funnies; Volume 112

Chicken Surprise

A couple go for a meal at a Chinese restaurant and order the 'Chicken Surprise',

The waiter brings the meal, served in a lidded cast iron pot.

Just as the wife is about to serve herself, the lid of the pot rises slightly and she briefly sees two beady little eyes looking around before the lid slams back down.

'Good grief, did you see that?' she asks her husband. He hasn't, so she asks him to look in the pot. He reaches for it and again the lid rises, and he sees two little eyes looking around before it slams down..

Rather perturbed, he calls the waiter over, explains what is happening, and demands an explanation.

'Please sir,' says the waiter, 'what you order?'

The husband replies, 'Chicken Surprise.'

(You're going to love this..................

You're going to hate yourself for loving this!............. )

'Ah! So sorry,' says the waiter, 'I bring you Peeking Duck!'

S. Korean warship almost certainly sunk by N. Korean torpedo.

Stephen Hawking suugests that maybe we should be hiding from aliens rahter than seeking contact.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Gun bill clears Georgia House committee.

George Carlin's take on Earth Day and other Green-eco-weenie inanities!

Glynn County School Board faces up to possible draconian cuts.

Joan of Snark responds and rejoices in the fact that she and her fellow leftist radicals have successfully brainwashed your children.

County commission regular meeting Tuesday.


Camden County Board of Commissioners

Government Services Building, (Courthouse Square)

200 East 4thStreet, 2nd Floor, Room 252,

Commissioners’ Meeting Chambers

Woodbine, Georgia

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

“Spotlight on the Camden County Health Department”

Convene Regular Meeting at 6:00 PM

Opening Ceremonies

• Invocation – Delivered by Pastor Pettus

• Pledge

Roll Call

Agenda Amendments

Adoption of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

• April 27, 2010 Regular Meeting minutes


• The Essence of Our Community – What makes Camden County “Georgia’s Coastal Community of Choice” Art Contest for Camden County High School Art Students in connection with National County Government Month. (Presented by Staci Bowick)

• Employee of the Quarter for the 3rd Quarter. (Presented by Susan Conaway)

Public Comments

Consent Agenda

1. Reappointment of Chief Dennis Gailey to the Southeast Georgia Emergency Medical Services Council to serve a term of three (3) years to expire on June 30, 2013.

2. Appointment of Elizabeth Gunn to the Region Five Planning Board for the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities to serve a term of three (3) years to expire on June 30, 2013.

3. Approval for Chair to execute Tax Release Applications.

Regular Agenda

Finance & Budget – Mike Fender

4. Adoption of Purchasing Card Policy.

5. Adoption of Travel Policy.

6. Approval of Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2010.

7. Capital Improvement Element - Annual Impact Fee Report.

Public Safety – Chief Dennis Gailey

8. Mutual Aid Agreement for Fire Services- Camden County and Brantley County.

9. Approval of Grant Applications requiring matching funds.

Adjourn Regular Meeting


Convene Public Hearing

• Introduction of Regular Agenda Items 10 – 11 by Planning & Development Director John Peterson and receive public comments regarding these items.

Adjourn Public Hearing

Reconvene Regular Meeting

Planning & Development – John Peterson

10. Rezoning - #R-01-2010 – Bennie Dallas, Sr. is requesting a rezoning from A-F to A-R of 4.64 acres of property located at 10,520 GA Hwy 110, Woodbine, GA. This property is located on Tax Map #053, Parcel #048.

11. Special Use Application - #SU-01-2010 – Dennis Kahler & Tom Mitchell are requesting a Special Use approval for property located at 1928 Hwy 40 East, Kingsland, GA. to allow the operation of a used car sales and limousine service businesses from the exiting building and facilities.


• Calendar – April / May

• County Administrator’s Report

Additional Public Comments

Adjourn BOC Meeting

Please be advised that this agenda is subject to amendments. Please contact the Office of the County Clerk at (912) 576-5651 before 5:00 PM the day of the scheduled meeting to obtain such amendments.

Link to commisioners' packet:

County to hold budget deficit workshop Monday at 5:00 PM.


Camden County Board of Commissioners

Government Services Building, (Courthouse Square)

200 East 4thStreet, 2nd Floor, Room 252,

Commissioners’ Meeting Chambers

Woodbine, Georgia

Monday, April 26, 2010

Convene Work Session at 5:00 PM

• Path’s to close the Budget Deficit.


True? Who knows? But wouldn't it be an interesting Constitutional crisis if it is?



In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the group "Americans for Freedom of Information" has Released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College. Released today, the transcript school indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship.

This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors have been seeking. Along with the evidence that he was first born in Kenya and there is no record of him ever applying for US citizenship, this is looking pretty grim. The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama's legitimacy and qualification to serve as President article titled, "Obama Eligibility Questioned," leading some to speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obama's first official visit to the U.K. In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups, Justice Antonin Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerning Obama's legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey. This lawsuit claims Obama's dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president. Donofrio's case is just

one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama's citizenship or qualification to serve as president.

Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama's campaign spending. This study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Mr. Kreep indicated that the investigation is still ongoing but that the final report will be provided to the U..S. Attorney general, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused to comment on the matter...


Subject: RE: Issue of Passport?

While I've little interest in getting in the middle of the Obama birth issue, Paul Hollrah over at FSM did so yesterday and believes the issue can be resolved by Obama answering one simple question: What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and Karachi ?

So how did a young man who arrived in New York in early June 1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket, suddenly come up with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later?

And once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and Karachi , what passport was he offering when he passed through Customs and Immigration?

The American people not only deserve to have answers to these questions, they must have answers. It makes the debate over Obama's citizenship a rather short and simple one.

Q: Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20?

A : Yes, by his own admission.

Q: What passport did he travel under?

A: There are only three possibilities.

1) He traveled with a U.S.... Passport,

2) He traveled with a British passport, or

3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.

Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in 1981?

A: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S... State Department's "no travel" list in 1981.

Conclusion: When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport.

If he were traveling with a British passport that would provide proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims. And if he were traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967..

Whatever the truth of the matter, the American people need to know how he managed to become a "natural born" American citizen between 1981 and 2008..

Given the destructive nature of his plans for America, as illustrated by his speech before Congress and the disastrous spending plan he has presented to Congress, the sooner we learn the truth of all this, the better.

If you Don't care that Your President is not a natural born Citizen and in Violation of the Constitution, then Delete this, and then lower your American Flag to half-staff, because the U.S. Constitution is already on life-support, and won't survive much longer.

If you do care then Forward this to as many patriotic Americans as you can, because our country is being looted and ransacked!

No, JDSers, none of the above words are mine. I'm merely passing on an e-mail I got from a regular reader.

St. Marys City Council meeting Monday night.


Mayor and council's packet:

Note: If you are as confused as I was as to the significance of all of the different colors of highlighting on the proposed amended alcohol ordinance, here is the explanation:


There were many (8) drafts to the original ordinance. All changes to the original ordinance are highlighted in color. Everything that is being taken out of the original has strikeouts. Hope this helps.

Thank you,

Darlene M. Roellig

City Clerk

Oh, by the way, if the name of Tim Ward, the guy with the 31 year history of running non-profit, tax-exempt YMCAs who is applying for the city Planning Commission sounds familiar, he is the most recently elected chair (after he and the other leftists ran off the only conservative and the moderate chair) of the Citizens City -Wide (as if they give a damn about anything outside of the historic district)Beautification Advisory Board - the one which is the inside-the-government arm of the St. Marys Earth Keepers.





BUS. #




Loretta Hutchinson





Cookie Johnson

101 Lisa Lane









Alex Kearns

902 Ann Street





Joe Lucent, Vice-Chair

300 Osborne Street





Maryann Meador, Sec.

26 Terra Court





Dick Russell

93 Wright Street





Tim Ward, Chair

112 Boatsman Way




Ward was the straight man who asked the set-up question in that ambush that Kearns laid for me after daring me to attend one of their meetings.
I'm telling you folks, you will wake up one day and find that you are living in Berkley-on-the-St. Marys.

Canned goods: a new investment opportunity?

The Great Shadowlawn Stop Sign Kerfuffle.

Federal judge refuses to enjoin Cisco civil suit.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day exhibitionism.

As I cruised the Walmart parking lot this afternoon at about 3:45 looking for an available van accessible parking place, I spied the Earth Nanny, Joan of Snark, standing in front of the most heavily used entrance the St. Marys Walmart with some other Green eco-weenie. She was just a smiling and vougueing her brains out to satisfy her apprently insatiable narcissistic and exhibitionistic needs. I just got a fleeting glance of some sort of posters she had set up and what looked like to be a cloth shopping bag give-away or sale. I'm not sure which. I had to park down by the garden shop and go in that way. By the time I was through checking out just after 4:00 she had packed up and skeedattled. No doubt she will blog that she left in sheer terror of me. Laughable.

Fly speck Earth.

South Korea suspects North Korean sub attack in sinking.

My guess is that they know damned well that it was a submarine attack. They are likely saying they're just suspicious while deciding what to do about it.

Where ecology meets proctology.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Having run off the white police chief for a black one, Savannah's black mayor and majority black city council looking to do the same with the replacement for the white city manager they just ran off.

Shad populations stressed.

But surely it's "her fault," right, JDSers?

Sunday Funnies; Volume 111.

The Farmer Boy

Only a Farm Kid...

When you're from the country ~ your perception is a little different.

A Missouri farmer in his pickup, drove to a neighbour's house, and knocked at the door. A boy, about nine years old, opened the door.

"Is your Dad home?"

"No sir, he isn't; he went to town."

"Well, is your Mother here?"

"No sir, she went to town with Dad."

"How about your brother, Howard? Is he here?"

"No sir, He went with Mom and Dad."

The rancher stood there for a few minutes, shifting from one foot to the other, and mumbling to himself.

"Is there anything I can do for you? I know where all the tools are, if you want to borrow one, or I can give dad a message."

"Well," said the rancher uncomfortably, "I really wanted to talk to your Dad. It's about your brother Howard getting my daughter, Suzie, pregnant."

The boy thought for a moment. "You would have to talk to Dad about that. I know he charges $500 for the bull and $50 for the pig, but I don't know how much he charges for Howard."

Not a bad idea.

Perhaps SMEarthkeepers could do this and finally have a project of their own making rather than taking credit for the long standing projects of others, such as the river cleanup.

Now here's an idea for a St. Marys entrepreneur!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

"Orange Crush." Sounds good, eh? WRONG! The real story is in the comments.

And now, another installment of "When Libs Rule the World!"

By the way, Slim, the candidate who read your blog went there from mine.

Uum! Freshly ground black people!

Now, if you are a sane, conservative American, you immediately recognized the allusion to Homer Simpson in the title of this post and appreciated the intrinsic humor in the article.

Now, contrast that with the reaction of a typical Lib:


Saint Marys, GA
Reply »
Report Abuse

Judge it!


Reading Jay's blog posts today (and now I have to have another shower to cleanse myself but it's always a good idea to know if there's a rattlesnake in your back yard) it is obvious that he is hoping that hate-mongering will bring in a few more pennies from his ads.

In that he uses, as his bibles, a thesaurus and Ann Coulter/Limbaugh/Beck etc., he's just trying to make a few bucks and squeeze 15 minutes of fame out of his pitiful blog and Topix posts.

This man is well beyond reprehensible. He's lowering the internet blog bar to the point where he'll soon need a backhoe.

2010 Camden County Citizens' Academy

I attended the first session of this year's Citizens' Academy this past Thursday night.

There was an eclectic mix of natives and "damned outsiders," to include both retired and active duty Navy. It was basicly a meet-n-greet with an overview of what we will learn in monthly classes between now and graduation at a CCBOC meeting the week after the elections in November.

Interestingly, one of the students was the lady who has moved down from New York to manage the Brant Creek Apartments behind me. She seems very sharp. She told me that they have already rented 13 units, sight unseen, to Navy personnel who are on orders to NSBKB. Moreover, they will be moving people into the first 4 buildings closest to Hwy 40 as of June 1 while continuing to finish up the ones in the rear nearest me. And no, jerks, there are no subsidized units in the entire complex - it's strictly market rates.

Another "student" is Commissioner Zell.

I'll keep y'all posted on what we learn over the next 7 months.

Oh, by the way, on another matter, I just a moment ago fired off an FOIR to County Clerk Katie Bishop for a copy of the sections of the current county charter dealing with replacing a resigned / incapacitated / deceased commissioner. What prompted that was when one of the students asked David Rainer and Nizi Zell how the search for a replacement for Berry was coming along and they both nervously skirted an answer. That, combined with the fact that my informal request for the same two weeks ago has not yet been answered has aroused my curiosity. Stay tuned.

It's a start.

Cisco case class action lawyers trying to get federal court to stop state civil suits.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Darien's Blessing of the Fleet comes too late this year for 3 shrimp boats.

This could get interesting.

When liberals attack.

Don't miss today's T&G letters-to-the-editor!

Unfortunately, I can no longer link to the individual letters without making the whole on-line adition avaialable to non-subscribers.

Anyway, you will want to read Councilwoman Hase' letter on the St. Marys senior citizens' property tax exemption writtne in rebutal to Councilman Sydney Howell's letter published Wednesday.

Remarkably, Bob Nutter has written a letter in support of  The Fair Tax which I agree with 100%.
Apparently, he reverts to his Bob Nuttier persona only on environmetal issues.

Lastly, there is a letter to Rep. Cecily Hill from the mayor of one of those towns that, according to wing-nut opponents of the proposed Exit 6 mega mall, was royally screwed by the company that will build it. The mayor takes a decidedly opposite view of the developer.

Oh, Janet, please!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Camden County teacher arrested for gun on campus.

He is a math teacher.

Councilwoman Hase on St. Marys senior citizens' ad valorem tax exemption.

HB1151 Senior Homestead Exemption

Dear Fellow Citizens of St Marys:

Follow up on HB 1151: yesterday Senator Chapman introduced the HB1151 to the legislature for approval, but with changes. As you know he refused to sign the bill as presented by Rep. Hill, which would eliminate the income cap on seniors' incomes for homestead exemption. The good thing about the change is that he raised the assessment deduction to $40,000 (it is currently $25,000); however, the negative is that St Marys' seniors will continue to have a cap on their income ($40,000) to receive this benefit, and the rest of the county will not. I urged Senator Chapman to make it county-wide so that our seniors would not be discrimated against and make it equitable throughout the county; however, that did not happen.

What this means, in brief, is that although St Marys' citizens have the highest property tax assessments in the county, and we pay the most taxes in the county, and the economy is bad for seniors in particular, many of our seniors will not receive the same benefits in homestead exemptions as the seniors in the rest of Camden County. I think that this is unfair and puts all property owners in St Marys at a disadvange, especially those who may want to sell their home in the future. (ie: St Marys property owners will have one less tax exemption for many buyers than those property owners in the rest of Camden). I am, however, going to urge our council to support having this cap removed, and any assistance you might provide by contacting your city council, would be appreciated.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at any time. 673-7048.

Thanks, Deborah Hase, St Marys City Council

See Councilman Howell's counter position in his letter-to-the-editor in today's T&G.

4/15/10: Watch for Councilwoman Hase' response to Howell in tomorrow's T&G!

National retail sales up for third month-in-a-row.

Apparently, Kingfish Feller can not only save Camden but the nation as well.

Today's letter-to-the-editor in the Tribune and Georgian

Obama has
broken many

Dear Editor,

Now that President
Obama has been in office for
over one year, how do you
like his changes?

When President Obama
was elected, the senior citizens
overwhelmingly supported
him. Fifteen months
later Medicare has been cut
by $500 billion.

When President Obama
was elected the Jews overwhelming
supported him.Fifteen months later, he
has thrown Israel under the
bus in favor of a soft hand on
the Iran issue.

When President Obama
was he elected he promised
the youth open government
and an end to business as
usual. Fifteen months later
the lobbyists are still in business,
the Democratic Party
does its business behind
closed doors and the concept
of bipartisan government is

Well, how do you like
these changes? Is this what
you bought into? What are
you going to do about it?

Are you sick and tired of
being pushed around? Are
you sick and tired of being
ignored? Let me know.

Sandy Feller
St. Marys

Winston Cisco and Robert Clark last to plead out.

Clark claims to have been threatened by Fairley Cisco. He turns out to be the whistleblower.

Navy now says airport is a security threat as well as a safety concern.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Last night's St. Marys City Council meeting.

I've been a little busy earlier today, hence the delay.

Well, for openers a disabled fellow who did not know that I normally park my van in the one and only city hall van accessible space that was made at my request parked his VW bug there. Not 15 feet away, the other "regular" disabled space was unoccupied. I had to park way down by the  Ward Henandez building at the end of the block. So, the first thing I did when I got into the council chamber was to call for everyone's attention, then asked who had the VW beetle parked in the van accessible space. A fellow about my age spoke up. I asked if he would kindly park in the regular disabled space in future. He agreed to and apologized. I assured him that it was "no problem." We introduced ourselves and spoke after the meeting. I think that many fellow disabled folks do not really realize what that sign "van accessible" actually means. Maybe "wheelchair van accessible" would be a better choice. That, and when folks get a disabled tag or placard for the first time, it seems to me that they should get a pamphlet explaining why there are two different types of disabled parking places.

Anyway, the police dog intro and show was postponed. Turns out the dog bit someone.

Councilman "No Conflict" Bird was AWOL. Turns out he will be in Washington, DC all week -get this- personally lobbying legislators and FAA bureaucrats against the airport move. In his abscence,
Councilman Morrissey read the council's newest resolution to move full speed ahead with the airport project. That passed 4-1, with Howell casting the nay vote. Without his running mate for backup, Sydney Howell reached back and got in touch with his inner union thug. He got really bositerous and aggressively vehement in his stated opposition to the airport move. During public comments, he got support from self-styled enviro-bad-boy, Bob Nuttier and an increasingly bizarre Bill Creed. Can't quite figure out whether Bill has been exhibiting early symptoms of senile dementia during the last few meetings or just showing up fresh off of a barstool at Seagles.

Jerry Lockhart gave a report of the activities of the Tree Board. They spent a little over $1,500 for the trees and plants in the median in front of the new elementary school downtown. The money came from the $6,000 extorted from CVS for cutting down their privately owned oak trees. No - contrary to what you were led to believe, that planting was not another Alex Kearns/St. Marys Earthkeepers operation. During comments, I suggested that they take a few tips from Savannah's Parks and Trees Commission, particularly with regards to planting specimen trees from similar lattitudes around the globe. Moreover, Savannah has a civilian group of several hundred people who hold an annual public tree sale at cost and do extensive tree plantings at no cost to the city where the city needs them. Not to be unnoticed, Kearns jumped up and whined that the dozen or so trees that someone had donated to Earthkeepers had not yet been planted by city workers, as she and Barbara Ryan had previously commanded them to do. Interesting.

They agreed to run the advertizements for a beer and wine license at Matt's Italian. So far, the folks at Crooked River Baptist have not availed themselves of this performance opportunity, but it's early yet.

At the final public comments session, I thanked Bobby Marr and his people for finally actually planting something (wildflowers) in the recently re-weeded and plumbed medians on Colerain on either side of St. Marys Road. The seeds have sprouted. They are numerous and well distributed. It should be nice looking. Of course, the usual JDS afflicted assholes on Topix Kingsland quickly said that I was trolling for votes. No, Feller was not there.
When they went into executive session on a personnel matter, I left. That turned out to be a wise decision. I'm informed that he session lasted 90 minutes. Now, this is another personnel executive session on the heels of a special, called meeting of the express purpose of personnel executive session, when was it, last Thursday? Anyone know what is going on?

Oh, on the way out, I looked down in front of the CVB building and saw Janet Brinko, Alex Kearns, and her enviro-bad-boy hero, Bob Nuttier, huddled together in a post enviro-theater performance conference.

Oh, I almost forgot, speaking of dementia, Cookie Johnson is still obsessing on that mayor pro-tem business. Apparently, she hates Councilwoman Hase and is pissed because the council turned down her husband Larry's request to be mayor pro-tem.

Update, 4/14/@2:03 PM:  According to Emily Heglund, who stayed to the bitter end, the executive session was actually about the terms of the contract with the St. Marys Airport Authority.  My guess is that they tasked the attorney with trying to find a way to break the management contract with said authority. That sounds more like a legal than a personnel matter. 

Growing Chinese blue water navy concerns Japan.

Translation: they don't want a white principal.

So you don't think federal judges ever really close jails, eh?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Smoke 'em if you've got 'em, until 31 December 2010, anyway.

Royal Weaver goes for smoker vote:

DNR's communications technology comes into 21st century - and none to soon!

Dr. No Feller (aka "friendly") and his merry band of naysayers are now opposing the mega-mall.

Sunday Funnies; Volume 110.


I was out walking with my 4-year-old daughter. She picked up something off
of the ground and started to put it in her mouth. I took the item away from
her and I asked her not to do that. 'Why?' my daughter asked. 'Because it's
been on the ground; you don't know where it's been, it's dirty, and probably
has germs,' I replied.

At this point, my daughter looked at me with total
admiration and asked, 'Mama, how do you know all this stuff? You are so
smart.' I was thinking quickly. 'All moms know this stuff. It's on the Mama
Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mama.' We walked along
in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new

'Oh.....I get it!' she beamed, 'So if you don't pass the test you have to be
the dad .'

'Exactly,' I replied with a big smile on my face.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

St. Marys City Council meeting Monday night.

There will be a dog show. Apparently no ponies were available. Yet another pastor will have an opportunity to increase offerings by showing up and pooh-poohing Matt's Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria's application for a beer and wine license. Councilman Morrisey will introduce a 2010 resolution in favor of moving the airport. All the usual rabid opponents will be there putting on a show. Oh, yeah, this is the quarterly town hall meeting, too.

Here's the agenda:

Here's the link to the mayor and council's "packet." Dog gone it: the dog show has been postponed.

OMG! Talk about Naval careers that NEEDED ending!

Discovered: animals that live without oxygen!

Tybee Island applies for stimulus funds to make city buildings energy independent.

Georgia University System graduation rates not so hot.

Anecdotally, in the business class I'm taking at College of Coastal Georgia, on any given class day (twice per week) about half of the students do not show up.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The St. Marys senior citizen exemption debate.

Well, I learned something new in the T&G article on this today. Frankly, I thought the reporter may have gotten it wrong so I e-mailed Councilwoman Hase for clarification.

He had it right. Here's the language I questioned.

The homestead exemption,
which was approved in 1991
by a referendum, is a tax deduction
of $25,000 off property
assessments for residents
who are 65 and older, but senior
citizens cannot qualify for
the exemption if their annual
income is $25,000 more than
their retirement, pension or
social security benefits.

While he is playing a little fast and loose with his usage of  "tax deduction" (it is actually an exemption of $25,000 of the assessed value of your home from taxation at the city's millage rate), that is not the part I had wrong. I thought that so long as your total income from all sources was no more than $25,000, you qualified. WRONG.  It turns out that if you are a retired corporate executive drawing a pension of $100,000, Social Security of $25,000, and investment earnings of $50,000, so long as you do not have current income from active employment in excess of $25,000, you still qualify. Councilwoman Hase confirms that this is the case.

Now, it turns out that neither Kingsland nor Woodbine have any active income restrictions on their over 65 exemptions. Hase, who is up for election next year and counts among her constituents and supporters many who are over 65 and earning more than $25,000, is pushing to have State Senator Jeff Chapman go along with State Rep. Cecily Hill in pushing that through the state legislature.

Hill is all for it but Chapman has balked. He has countered with a plan which would raise both the amount seniors could earn and still get the exemption and the amount of the exemption itself from their current matching levels of $25,000 to matching levels of  $40,000.

Now, it turns out that the city council extant prior to last year's election voted unanimously for this.
However this year, Councilman Sidney Howell, whose natural supporters tend to be retired union mill workers and not retired corporate executives and who, for the most part, do not make over $40,000 in earned income when they hit 65 and are notoriously class envious, as is Sidney, is against the move to remove any means testing whatsoever for the exemption. Senator Chapman has been so advised by Councilman Howell and now cites that as proof that there is not widespread support of the move to drop any income restriction.

Councilman Howell is, of course, not up for re-election next year, but it is widely believed that his wife Rindy, the director of the St. Marys Senior Center and a former (and perhaps current?) local political liason of Senator Chapman, will be running this year to unseat State Representative Hill. Hill and Chapman are not big buds.

Chapman's ostensible real objection is the lost revenues. Councilwoman Hase tells me that their stats show that eliminating the means test altogether would cost the city of St. Marys approximately $75,000 annually at the current millage rate. She counters that we would not be at a disadvantage when retiring seniors looking to move here inquire about the tax situations in the three cities.

So, what do you folks think about this?

Camden County Schools Superintendent Dr.Will Hardin holds workshop to discuss painful budget cuts.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Final passage of mega-mall tax incentive not a sure thing, but chances look good!

Electric Boat nearly doubles leased off-base space!


April 8, 2010

For Immediate Release

Electric Boat Leases Space

in Camden County, Georgia


General Dynamics Electric Boat is leasing additional space in Camden County, Georgia. The county is home to the Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay ("NSB Kings Bay"), which is the east coast home port of the U.S. Trident Submarine Fleet. Electric Boat provides design, construction, and life cycle support of the Ohio-class Trident submarines home-ported at the base, and provides service to other submarines which periodically visit the base for repairs and maintenance, including attack submarines.

Electric Boat is nearly doubling its off-base footprint; from approximately 24,000 square feet to 46,000 square feet. With this lease, Electric Boat will bring its operations in the area together in one location and secure additional warehouse space.

According to David Keating, Executive Director of the Camden County Joint Development Authority ("JDA"), "General Dynamics-Electric Boat is one of the world's premier military contractors and a great asset to both NSB Kings Bay and Camden County. The company employs highly skilled engineers, technicians and maintenance personnel that keep our very special submarines operating at peak capacity, thus insuring the safety of our brave service men and women and the success of their missions. The JDA, State of Georgia, and community partners have been working with Electric Boat to assist them in identifying and supporting opportunities in the area. We are pleased they are investing in Camden County and proud to have them as a corporate citizen."

"This lease will provide us with the space we need to support our operations in Camden County," said John DeBartalo, the Kings Bay site manager for Electric Boat. "The authority helped to keep the search process very smooth - we told them our requirements, and they quickly responded."

According to Sheila McNeil, President of the Camden Partnership, "We couldn't be more pleased to have Electric Boat increase their mission in Camden County. The Camden Partnership's goals are to support and increase the mission at Kings Bay and to work with our military contractors on enlarging their business in Camden County. Electric Boat has been a part of this community for many years and as the builder of our great submarines we appreciate their quality service. You only have to tour one of the great ships to be impressed with the men and women who build them. We welcome their expansion to our military friendly community."

With more than a century of experience, Electric Boat has established standards of excellence in the design, construction and lifecycle support of submarines for the U.S. Navy. Primary operations are the shipyard in Groton, CT, and the automated hull-fabrication and outfitting facility in Quonset Point, RI, with a current workforce of 10,500 employees.

Fairley Cisco's pump is no longer working!

Flash! Fairley Cisco has died!

Details to follow just as soon as I hear from my trusted reporter.

Update: It looks like it was suicide. Details still sketchy.

GTU has story now:

4:37 PM. I'm just back in from class and errands. I've heard from my trusty reporter.

Cisco had a big family fish fry at his house last night (last supper?). A couple of his relatives stayed over. This morning, when the gardener - the husband of one of his co-defendants - came to check on Cisco, he found him dead. There was no sign of a break in and no sign of trauma. Sheriff Gregory has asked the GBI to take the lead in the investigation.

My reporter has learned that just a few days ago, Cisco was offered a plea deal. If he would plead guilty, he would get a twelve year sentence in the federal pen. Cisco turned it down, then told confidants that he would not spend another day in federal prison (he had done time before) and that he had it "taken care of."

The autopsy, particularly the toxicology report, should prove interesting. Sources close to Cisco say they doubt he "had the guts" to commit suicide.

Savannah-Chatham public schools, faced with $37 million shortfall, consider draconian cuts.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Update on coming CCBOC work sessions.

Thanks to County Clerk Katie Bishop for this update.


Please be advised that the Work Session - "Path's to Close the Budget Deficit" scheduled for Tuesday, April 27 at 5:00 PM has been changed and will now be held on Monday, April 26 at 5:00 PM.

Below is a schedule of upcoming meetings for your convenience:

• Work Session "Path's to Close the Budget Deficit" Monday, April 26 5:00 PM

• Work Session "Employee Health Insurance Update" Tuesday, May 4 5:00 PM (Prior to the Regular Meeting)

• Regular Agenda "Proposed Budget Submission" Tuesday, May 4 During the Regular Meeting

• Tentative Work Session "Budget Work Session" Thursday, May 6 5:00 PM

• Tentative Work Session "Budget Work Session" Tuesday, May 11 5:00 PM

• Public Hearing "Public Hearing regarding the Budget" Tuesday, May 18 5:30 PM (Prior to the Regular Meeting)

* For planning purposes the Work Sessions scheduled for May 6 & 11 are tentative & may change depending on the outcome of prior meetings & direction from the Board.

*Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2011 Budget is slated for June 1, 2010 during the Regular Meeting.

Katie Bishop

County Clerk

Office of the County Clerk

Camden County Board of County Commissioners

P.O.Box 99

200 East Fourth Street

Woodbine, Georgia 31569

Phone (912) 576-5651 Fax (912) 576-5647

At long last: proof of the smoking gun that never was!

Attention all of you low-down, dirty, lying bastards who have been slandering me all these years: this is not your day!

Yes, for nearly 15 years now, it has ben an article of faith for those sorry bastards willfully afflicted with Jay Derangement Syndrome that the reason I lost my 1995 bid for city council was because I had pulled a pistol on someone a couple of weeks before the election and been arrested.

If you are not familiar with the base canard, click here and take a minute to read the true version of what happened:

Now, beginning shortly after the politically motivated false arrest based upon perjured testimony, I have been trying to get my hands on a copy of the police report. I was of course stonewalled by Sheriff Bill Smith, Kyle Lewis' campaign advisor, and the thankfully dead Chief Magistrate Joe Strickland who was in on the crime up to his eyeballs.

When Tommy Gregory was elected sheriff, I tried again. After a dilligent search, Tommy's people were unable to find a copy. Apparently, Smith, knowing it would prove my case, had it burned out behind the jail with reams of other incriminating evidence. At that point, I pretty much gave up.

But then, just the other day, I learned that a good soul, knowing what an injustice had been done, had saved a copy of the police report. Needless to say, that person will have to remain anonymous.  I just got the report yesterday.

Let's take it line by line. In the top, left-hand corner of the first page of the incident report, under "Incident Type," it reads "Simple Assault / Simple Battery." Note that it does not say "aggravated battery," as it would if ANY kind of weapon were involved. More specifically it  does not say "assault with a deadly weapon" as it would have if a pistol had been involved.

Now, still in the "Event" box, over on the right hand side, under "Weapon Type" the box for "GUN" is quite clearly not darkened. Just below it, box 3, "Hands/Fists, etc.," clearly IS darkened. (That is also inaccurate, but more on that later.)

So, so far, there is absolutely no mention of any weapon, much less a pistol, being involved in the incident.

Now, drop down to the bottom of the first page, where the "Narrative" written by the county police officer begins. Note that it continues on the second page labeled "CASO INCIDENT Narrative Supplement Page 1." Now that you've finished reading it, do you see any mention of my even having a pistol, much less brandishing or threatening with one? NO, you don't.

I would remind you that in my statement of what actually happened, which I hope you read first, I said that I was told by the officer that I was free to go - and did - before he finished writing the report?
Mr. Barfield and his lying witness were alone with the officer and free to tell any story they wanted to (piece of advice - NEVER do what I did and leave before the last word is spoken and written)
and yet they make no mention of a pistol.

This incident took place on a Friday afternoon of the long, Labor Day weekend. In spite of no mention of a pistol in the police report, somehow, over the weekend, word of the incident got back to Kyle Lewis and / or the Brandon machine. They no doubt got on the phone with the utterly corrupt, criminal, serial violator of constitutionally guaranteed civil rights, Bill Smith, and his willing accomplice, non-lawyer Chief Magistrate and consummate good ol' boy, Joe Strickland, and hatched a plot to have me arrested on perjured testimony from Jack Barfield, Jr., who saw an opportunity to be a hero dragon slayer.

Sure enough, bright and early the next Tuesday  morning, Jack Barfield, Jr., probably with helpful suggestions from Joe Strickland, crafted a perjured affadavit in which he said that I had pulled a pistol and threatend him with it. A more than willing criminal accomplice, Joe Strickland, promptly issued a warrant for my arrest, in spite of the fact that the police report clearly showed thas it was based upon perjured testimony.

So, you see, ladies and gentlemen, what I have been saying all of these years is demonstrably true. As I have always contended, every one of the miserable bastards involved in this plot should have served federal prison terms, but never will - this is Camden County!

Oh, and just for the record, I never laid a hand on Jack Barfield nor he me nor did I cuss him out. I did call him a thug, then he did all the cussing.

You will be sure to update your "dossier," won't you, Alex?

Click on images to enlarge.

Home and patio show this Saturday.

Via e-mail:

Hello All: this Saturday the Camden Board of Realtors is having a Home and Patio Show at the old Goody's location at the Kings Bay shopping Center. Lots of fun and food; and many things for kids too. Please plan to come and support our local businesses. God bless. Deb Hase, ERA Kings Bay Realty

Camden Partnership, Navy League, et al lobby to save Coast Guard units.

Another little rat turns on Biggie Rat Cisco.

Monday, April 5, 2010

What in the hell was that?

Well, if the definition of a UFO is an unidentified flying object, then I guess I would have to say I saw a UFO this afternoon. And I wasn't the only one to see it.

It was about 4:05 PM this afternoon. I was sitting in my wheelchair in front of the St. Marys branch of Coastal Bank across 40 from the St. Marys Middle School.  I was having a very interesting conversation about the state of the nation with the highly intelligent, well read, and always interesting Mr. Frank Saffold.

The blue sky was crystal clear with virtually unlimited visibility. Frank and I were both facing the middle school. At the same instant, we both spotted a very curious looking craft of some kind moving from the right of our field of vison to the left, at an estimated altitude of between 250 and 350 feet. We picked it up just west of the Taco Bell.  It was flying level and straight as an arrow on a course paralleling Hwy 40 westbound. I would estimate that when it crossed Spur 40, it passed roughly over James Jewelers. We followed it visually until it was approximately down over the new apartments behind my house where it took a very sharp southward turn and rapidly disappeared.

I know what you're thinking - a small plane coming out of the St. Marys Airport. Well, let me describe this thing. Imagine that you took 3, 4X8 sheets of plywood and painted them brilliant white. Now, in you mind's eye, lay one sheet down flat on the floor. Now, take the other two and stand them up on end on top of the one on the floor so that the two upright ones form a "V".  Now, bolt them onto the one on the floor in that position.

Now, picture the above construction, in that position, sharp edge of the V forward, about 300 feet in the air moving in a straight line at about 500 miles an hour and making absolutely no noise and leaving no contrails or exhaust trails. There was no visble prop or jet engine. There was no visible fuselage or cockpit.

I know how it sounds, but that is what Frank and I both saw. I look forward to someone who actually knows telling me convincingly what that was. And no, I've never had any prior UFO encounters and don't believe in little green men but we saw what we saw.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Okefenokee to be wheelchair friendly.

Exciting discovery in physical anthropolgy!

Sunday Funnies; Volume 109

A Blonde in Church

An Alabama preacher said to his congregation, “Someone in this congregation has spread a rumour that I belong to the Ku Klux Klan."

“This is a horrible lie and one which a Christian community cannot tolerate.”

“I am embarrassed and do not intend to accept this”.

“Now, I want the party who did this to stand and ask forgiveness from God and this Christian Family.”

No one moved.

The preacher continued, “Do you have the nerve to face me and admit this is a falsehood? Remember, you will be forgiven and in your heart you will feel glory. Now stand and confess your transgression.”

Again all was quiet.

Then slowly, a drop-dead gorgeous blonde with a body that would stop traffic rose from the third pew.

Her head was bowed and her voice quivered as she spoke, “Reverend there has been a terrible misunderstanding. I never said you were a member of the Ku Klux Klan. I simply told a couple of my friends that you were a wizard under the sheets.”

The preacher fell to his knees, his wife fainted, and the Congregation roared.

Operation ROE aimed at restoring sea trout populations after winter die-off.

A prime example of RATIONAL environmentalism.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter to all!

I'll see y'all at Aunt B's.

Excellent "pan Asian cuisine" discovery!

Man, have I got a great recommendation for y'all.

Yesterday, Sarah and I went on a semi-annual shopping trip to Sam's Wholesale Club in Jax for staples, paper goods, bulk spices, etc.

On the way back, we stopped for lunch at a place she had ben raving about. It's a Thai restaurant - wait, it's not just Thai - called "Green Papaya."  It's mostly Thai, but with some Chinese and Vietnamese dishes as well.

It is located in the River City shopping center across I-95 from the Jax Airport. It is across the parking lot in front of the cinema at the very back of the complex.

When you open the door and see the upscale decor, you reflexively want to grab your wallet. However, given the really nice decor, ambiance, and fine china service, the prices are a really pleasant surprize. They offer ten different dishes during their lunch hours from 11:00 AM to 2:30 PM.
The pricing is as follows: All entrees with chicken, beef, pork, or tofu are $7.95; with shrimp, scallops, or squid, $8.95. But trust me, once you take your first bite, price will be the farthest thing from your mind.

 I had the mango chicken for $7.95: "Chicken breast with fresh mangos, onions, peppers, baby corn, carrots, and mango sauce." It comes with your choice of white or brown rice, as do all entrees.  The larger portion of the same dish after 2:30 goes up to $13.00, but still quite reasonable. It does not show it as being spicy on the menu, but the waiter suggsted I try it with "mild" peppers. Good choice. That was without a doubt one of the most excellent Oriental dishes I've ever eaten, including in the Orient. Sarah had the General Tso's Chicken and we split a Crab Rangoon appetizer. It was all excellent. The total bill was $21 and change.

Their menu features 10 appetizers, 7 soups, 4 salads, 4 varieties of fried rice, 4 noodle dishes, 21 entrees, 5 curries, 4 desserts, and an extensive wine list. Everything is cooked to order from fresh ingredients. Reservations are accepted but not necessary.

Hours of operation:
Mon- Thu  11:00 AM - 9:30 PM.
Fri & Sat  11:00Am - 1030PM
Sun 12:00PM -9:30PM

Phone #: (904) 696-8886

Trust me on this one - you will love it!


Our own Raida's is, I'm sorry to say, not even in the same league as those folks.

Que pasa at St. Marys City Hall? Special called meeting for executive session ONLY Thursday afternoon.

Mysterious agenda:

Speaking of "obsession"....

These vicious lefties don't respond very well to a dose of their own medicine, now, do they?

Heirs of 83 y/o woman killed by alligator sue The Landings (Savannah's Osprey Cove).