Friday, August 21, 2009

Final version of the Bait Stand vs. Yacht Club RFP.

Click on images to enlarge.
The purpose for the RFP is stated at the top of page 3.


Anonymous said...

I am assuming that there are those with the City that know the sign above the building says "Bait Shop" not Yatch Club. Plus I thought the yatching industry was in the tank. We will now see if the long standing bait business on the water front is going to once again be a reality or if this new bunch of yatching persons will be allowed to take over the "Bait Shop". So far what use to be ain't squat any more. May be the yatching will pick up and the fishing will just dry up. Some how or other during my life long residency I have not thought of us as having a real need for a yacht club. But I am all for them having what ever club they want. But not inside the "Bait Shop". They can rent the new senior center from the City. That was in the lease. Also, it is located on a pond so that would give them water access.

Jay Moreno said...

"Water access!" LMAO

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of them yaching members renting the senior center. That would be the only income that bunch would generate. They could fool around in the pond. That is all they need. That and some ice for their gin and martinis. I am sure if a shrimp was to jump that bunch would hit the bricks running. A bait shop and yacht club combinded. That would be a first. Some one said they complained that shrimp smell. That might just be a little to much for the yachting crowd. Crowd?

Jay Moreno said...

Here's my question. If I were a local "yachtsman" and I did not habve my own place on deep water, I would be in need of one of the limitid availability slips. That being the case, why would I be motivated to get on the radio and lure more transient yachters into town off of the ICW? None of what the "yacht clubbers" propose seems to be in their own best interest.

However, it would damned surely be in the interest of Jerry and the Pirates, AKA the St. Marys Downtown Merchants' Association. My guess is that ,sub rosa, the DMA is actually the hand inside the yacht club puppet.

Anonymous said...

BINGO we have a winner......