Saturday, August 1, 2009

Satilla Community Bank of St. Marys receives "cease and desist" order from FDIC.


Anonymous said...

That's one step away from "close the doors and turn off the lights".

Anonymous said...

When I first heard what shambles Gary Willis had the bank in I must say I was'nt surprised. I have found while observing certain individuals it all comes out in the wash. When it your time to spin, it your time to spin.

The most interesting facet of this tale is the State Representative/Realtor is also a co-owner. The bank has in excess of 4 million in bad loans the majority of them real estate related. If they cannot find a way to eliminate the toxic loans while elevating the banks capital. TheIr doors will surely CLOSE......

Anonymous said...

Is that the same State Representative that was grinning like it was her birthday in the picture of Billy Smith giving away $100,000.00 to Georgia State (improperly/illegally) that was in the newspaper last year ?

More than just her Satilla Bank stock has gone way down.

Anonymous said...

The stuff that I'm hearing they were doing at Satilla is crazy. Okay about 4 months ago one of my neighbors here in Osprey Cove house was in the paper for foreclosure. Well we all noticed he was continually living in the house. Today I found out that the house was financed by Satilla and because the guys boss sits on the board they pulled the house out of foreclosure with no money just on the good faith of a board member.

Hell I feel for the stockholders.

Anonymous said...

Which political party promoted, endorsed and got that state rep elected and re-elected? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Gordon has'nt reported on this subject.

Anonymous said...

So which one of you actually sits on the Board at Satilla? It seems you all know so much "fact" about what is going on. I mean, one of your "neighbors", random or not, had a house in the paper. So this neighbor must have confessed to you what was REALLY going on- I mean you seem like such an expert.