Sunday, November 29, 2009

Kingfish Feller, the consummate vote whore, is at it again!

From Topix, Kingsland, 11/29/2009 sandy feller it will be a sad day. county workers are still under the "Berry silence law". that is that they can be fired for any reason, or no reason at all". they use the internet to blow the whistle or complain about working conditions. If I ever get on the commission again I intend to work toget that law repealed. Before it's over, watch for Kingfish to promise all county employees FREE health insurance, take-home vehicles, and two pheasants in every pot!


Anonymous said...

If it can be done the Kingfisher will get it done,not like the money talks, bull sh#t walks kind we have running our local government now.

Jay Moreno said...

I see. So, you base this assertion on what particularly memorable accomplishment in his first and hopefully only term on the Camden County Board of Commissioners?