Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Amazon Ads.

You all have no doubt noticed that I've added ads to Camden Commentary. In case you were wondering, I make nothing if you just click on an ad to check it out. However, if you go to via my blog and actually buy anything, I do receive a small commission on the sale.

And yes, I have total control over which products are advertized on my site.


Anonymous said...

They are annoying as hell. Just more clutter to wade through. It's too bad that you messed up the blog this way. I won't be back. If I want ads I'll turn on the tv.

Jay Moreno said...

Who are you kidding. JDS is both incurable and addictive. See you tomorow.

Anonymous said...

The ads really are a pain. Please listen to our complaints, they are turning me off to your blog also.

hannah said...

I've always thought that ignoring what one doesn't like to see is a central component of self-control. It's why God gave eyes lids.
It's because sound is hard to keep out that the freedom to speak needs to be guaranteed. Of course, the SCOTUS has managed to vitiate that importance by including all kinds of expression in the category of speech and countenancing natural persons' actual speech to be increasingly restricted.
There's more than one way to kill a principle.