Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Marys City Council meeting Monday night.

This time, I'm giving you the link to the councilmemberss' "packet." It contains not only the agenda but the background info the mayor and council get on all of the issues. Be patient, the PDF WILL pop up.

Check out the nearly $28,000 we have to spend to look for flatland salamanders and red cockaded woodpeckers at the proposed airport site. God forbid the woodpeckers might have to fly or the salamanders might have to crawl 100 yards to adjacent suitable habitat. If any Green eco-weenies are found trespassing on the site, I hope they will be frisked for salamanders.


Anonymous said...

Nearly $28,000. That doesn't fit too well with the "at no cost to the city" concept.

Anonymous said...


Instead of seeing the situation as what we have to spend due to as you say "ecoweenies" I think the thought process should be more towards why is the City Council AGAIN spending taxpayers money for this project.

Matter of fact, why are St. Marys taxpayers responsible for paying for a study so that we can give away OUR airport to the County.

Anonymous said...


It would seem that this survey should have been done before the FAA issued its finding of no environmental impact, not after. I wonder if someone dropped the ball?

I don't think it is fair to blame this on what you call "eco-weenies. These studies are required by the FAA, the Army Corps of Engineers and other federal agencies. I don't see them as "eco-weenies".

I have no problem with doing the survey, if it's necessary. I do have a problem with paying the consultant, RS&H, $28000 to do a survey that they should have done as a part of the Environmental study we have already paid for.

Monday night, the city council will vote to spend this money out of the city's general fund, with the hope that we will be reimbursed for at least part by the GADOT. I am concerned about who will pay if the airport relocation funding does not receive final approval in Washington.