Monday, March 15, 2010

Bravo! Stabbed Savannah police officer shoots knife-wielding scum dead on the spot!


hannah said...

Somehow, a person trained to use a gun using it to shoot at scum hardly seems brave (the implication of "bravo!")--i.e. it's not an accurate assessment of what occurred.
The first headline you reference is not only factual, but, unlike the second, puts the main focus on the actor (our agent of government) who's responsible for dealing with an apparently irrational person.
When you focus on the victim, you diminish the significance of the agent and the act.

And besides, pond scum resents being used as a pejorative.

Jay Moreno said...

bra·vo[ brvō ]INTERJECTION
1. audience's shout of approval: used as a cry of approval by members of a theater audience
bra·vos plural

1. shout of "bravo": a cry of "bravo" to express approval
2. assassin: a hired assassin ( archaic )
[ Mid-18th century. < Italian, "excellent" ]
Synonyms: well done, congratulations, hurrah, good for you, way to go, good job, hooray, good on you
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Come on now, tell us in unambiguous terms how ytou would really rather the stroy had unfolded. I'm guessing something like this> The cop would have been white and a Klansman in his off hours. The perp would have kiled the cop, but, in light of his impoverished childhood in the racist South, an all black jury would have committed jury nullification and set him free. He would then go on to write a series of novels based upon his suffering at the hands of whitey. He would enjoy sales among incurable liberals such as yourself that would rival those of Toni Morrison.

hannah said...

Must confess that I did not read the story--only the headlines. I'm more interested in HOW information is spread and whether or not it's accurate, than in the mayhem people manage to perpetrate against each other.
Don't approve of humans killing things they're not willing to eat.
Gun vs. knife seems a bit disproportionate, but the knife-wielder may well have been trying for suicide by cop. Not nice!

Jay Moreno said...

So, the cop should have pulled out his own knife and met the perp on equal terms?

Anonymous said...

"Hannah said...Must confess that I did not read the story--only the headlines. I'm more interested in HOW information is spread and whether or not it's accurate,"

If you only read the headline and not the story then how in the world do you determine if information is spread accurately? Who only reads the headline and not the article? Who or what agency uses headlines as their only source of information? Who or what agency uses headlines as a way to determine accuracy of an article? Please enlighten me!!!!