Friday, April 3, 2009

Camden County to make sensible adjustments to employee pay schedule.

Well, for once, I find myself in the position to be able to cut off a pack of TOPIX lies at the pass. Regardless of the BS you will no doubt soon read on TOPIX - the preferred venue of crackpots and soicopaths - here are the facts. The county currently pays employees every two weeks. In the past, this has created somne severe problems for the folks who are task with getting the payrolll out, from the individual department levels to Finance. These problems are most acute during shortened work weeks ocassioned by holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas. There have been may times in the past when people in Finance had to come in during the holidays - sometimes even on Saturdays and Sundays - to get the payroll out during the holidays under the current schedule. County Administrator Steve Howard and County Finance Director Mike Fender have figured out a way to solve this problem. Here are the details. Under the current schedule, county employees would receive a paycheck on June 3oth of this year, then another one two weeks later. In order to adjust the dates of paydays so as to avoid the previously described holiday problems, this year, on a one time basis, employees will receive their next check, after the June 30 payday, one week later on July 7th. That will be a 40 hour check. Then, two weeks later,they will will receive an 80 hour check, and and 80 hour check every two weeks after that, permanently. No one will be "cheated" as some are claiming. I don't know how it could be explained any more simply than that, but anyone who does not get it is welcome to ask for clarification from me or from county payroll. But please, disregard the demented ravings of miscreant lunatics that you will no doubt soon read on TOPIX.

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