Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ol' Loopy Lou, All-Purpose-Toady-to-Power, is at it again. Here's a sample of Loopy Lou's latest pearls of wisdom: "If it is moved, is there anyone pushing for the relocation who might not be interested in benefiting St. Marys, but rather his own gain? What amount of taxes would the city lose since the new location is not in city limits? What is the position of the county commissioners? How would this deficit in city tax revenues be replaced? Surely the taxes of all residents would increase since the new airport will be in the county." Uh, Lou, apparently, the city, unlike you, has come to the realization that taxing itself would be rather pointless. Quite the opposite of your illogic, the fact is that putting the nearly 400 acres of prime, centrally located property back into private hands to be developed to its "highest and best" use would actually return it to the city and county tax rolls. The penumbral economic benefits to the local economy woud be huge compared to the current gross underdevelopment and underutilization of the property.


Anonymous said...

Developed in what way? Businesses or houses?

Jay Moreno said...

Ideally, a combination of both. Most of the commercial buildings along the perimeter of the property, fronting on both Osborne and Pt. Peter, are dilapidated, obsolete crap that should go.

There should be room for a grocery store in the mix somewhere. Restaurants, for sure. Mixed retail. Mostly residential on the interior of the property, though.
There are thousands of acres in the north and west of the county for light to heavy, clean industrial development.

Anonymous said...

jay, what grocery chain would lease and try to compete with wal mart over o sub-division with west side babtist church right there no restaurants would not get beer or wine lis. with taxes the way they are taken them who would open a store at all.