Thursday, April 2, 2009

A cautionary tale.


Anonymous said...

Rest assured, someone in our system is already scheming on how to line their pockets with our new Esplost funds from our district

Jay Moreno said...

Remember, the contractor in the story was not in "the system" (by which I assume you mean the school system.) In fact, it was the Savannah school system that caught the rascals. Now, if by the ssystem you mean the Camden GOB system, I'm sure you're right.

Anonymous said...

Good Job To Savannah for catching the crooks. If Camden had Honest Employees and Commissioners they would find ALOT of Misuse of County Funds and would save the tax payers Hundreds of Thousand Dollars. But Camden is the Good Ole Boy System.

Jay Moreno said...

Well, we got rid of a hereditary sheriff wqho was the poster boy for the stereotypical corrupt Southern sheriff. Now we can concentrate our efforts on the surviving GOB pols. Hang in there. It will take a few more election cycles.