Monday, August 25, 2008

Stand by, St. Marys taxpayers....

the "inevitable" tax hike Kabuki dance of the city council has begun. I just got back a little while ago from tonight's St. Marys City Council meeting. On Wednesday, August 20th, I posted this: In what private enterprise universe.. does a service organization increase its labor force by 53 percent in ANTICIPATION of a demand curve shift to the right, then compound the blunder by keeping the excess workers on when the shift fails to materialize? At some point, I opined that the list of proposed draconian cuts in service and possible layoffs might just be a trial balloon on the part of council to see if there would be a sufficient public hue and cry to provide political cover for a tax increase. Well - no surprise to me - that is exactly what happened at tonight's meeting. Keep checking the city web site for the tape of the meeting. I'm not sure how long they take to put them up. Or, you can watch it Thursday night on T.V Camden. There will be an "emergency" budget conference this Wednesday to make the gut wrenching choices. I'll save you the suspense: there will be a millage rate increase. Trust me. 08/26 P.S., That budget workshop will be tomorrow at 4:00 PM in city council chambers. Also, they went into executive session last night on a "real estate matter." I left at that point. Did anyone stick around long enough to learn what that was about? Update: 8/26 @ 1206 HRS. The video of last night's council meeting is now availablefor viewing on the city's website:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The St. Marys City Council is the most dysfunctional group of elected officials in Camden County. Everyone previously thought that title was held by the County Commissioners, BUT St. Marys has let the cat out of the bag.

Okay first Bill Shannahan and all of the other top brass got their raises approved THEN suggested that the 3% increase for all other employees be aborted. Does anyone believe he didn't know the City was in financial turmoil before he convinced the council to approve his raise.

They hire an Assistant City Manager and a Assistant Planning Director; FOR WHAT? Increased the workforce by 53% which they cannot afford, now they want St. Marys to have the highest millage rate in the County, with the exception of the School System.

Anyone who owns or buys property in St. Marys has to be a glutten for punishment. Most of my clients in Osprey have their properties up for sale. Because all of this ridiculousness can't be explained.