Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thinking taxes miht be lower in a less populous county? Think again!


Anonymous said...

The millage is lower on Sea Island than Camden County. So therefore, one would pay less taxes on a 200,000.00 home on Sea Island vs. same price home in Camden.

Something has to be done about this!! When will Camden ever get some commercial industry to offset the taxes. Or is the plan continually not to address this?

Jay Moreno said...

If I decide to run for CCBOC District 4 seat, that would be a priority.

So far, I think that the JDA director, Davd Keating, is doing a good job. If he starts getting the results I believe he is capable of, I would tend to look favorably upon well justified budget increase requests from him. The potential returns for taxpayers from a genuine, concerted, prfessionally managed recruitment of major employers is enormous.

Anonymous said...

Camden County does not deserve industrial businesses to offset the tax rolls. They had Durango and when it went belly-up not one elected official spoke in favor of selling to another industry to support the tax base and the unemployment in the area. All the elected officials at the time wanted HOUSING and Condos. So the plant is now down to rubble and Camden is looking for industry. Good luck with that. They don't support what is there or was there.