Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I wondered what was taking you low down dirty bastards so long.

Hidden Agenda Saint Marys, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #87 33 min ago Well I have been curious as to why Mr. Integrity (Jay Moreno) has been silent about the upcoming E-SPLOST proposed by the school board. Then today I learned that he is doing his student teaching at Camden Middle School. How nice! it appears that it depends on which side Mr. Integrity's bread is buttered as to his opinion regarding issues. Wow! he's already got this elected official thing down pat and he hasn't even been elected to anything yet! No, you filthy, low-down dirty White trash - you haven't been wondering. You've known for quite some time, but hoped to bait me into coming out in favor of the E-SPLOST and THEN revealing that I have in fact been going back to college for the last three years to become a certified teacher -and will, effective May 1st. The next step will of course be for you to recruit the other vermin like yourself to start a whispering campaign to deprive me of a livelihood. I have wiped things from the soles of my shoes that I had more repsepect for than vile miscreant human garbage such as you, Sir! Oh, and I WILL vote for E-SPLSOT and would have irrespective of my desire to teach. It makes sense.


Anonymous said...


I am not a part of this smear campaign. I just would like to get your insight as to why you think the ESPLOST is a good idea. All I've heard thus far is why it isn't. I am interested to hear your perspective with regard to the matter.

Anonymous said...

You know Jay I might not agree with everything you say, but, I do respect your opinions when you form a logical and well-addressed arguement. But when you respond like this and whether it is dropping to their level or making them drop to your level, I would not want to have you teach my child.

Look at the role and responsibility you have now and will have in May and try to conduct yourself in a better manner. Give your future students and you current readers someone they can respect, not mock.

Jay Moreno said...

Well, if you will go to the school board web site and read their brief for why they want it, it makes good sense.

Bopth of the middle schools are at capacity. About 40 % of the Camden Middel School population gets up at 0-dark-thrity to catch a bus to be bused down from Harriets Bluff and all points north.

By buliding a new middle school with ESPLSOT funds up on Kinlaw Road, you will kill two birds with one stone. You will immediatley populat it with the 700 or so studentgs who get bused down here to Kingsland every day. Moreover, you will provide an expandable school for future growtrh from harriets Bluff north. But, you will, in one fell swoop, free up space in Camden Middle School to allow for future growth in the Kingsland area and west of Kingsland along Hwy 40. Trust me - when the recovery comes, new homes and new students will come.

Take a look at the list (Camden BOE website) of things that were built witrh the last ESPLOST. The beautiful and highly functional St. Marys Middle School was. The new St. Marys Elementary as well.

IF NOT paid for by ESPLOST, then how? Of course, by school ad valorem taxes. If all of this new capital improvement will be needed- and soon, why in the world does it not make sense to have an ESPLOST. We have all voted for SPLOST. The idea is the same. I know, I know, it is technically a regressive tax, by we're talking about a penney on the dollar and NO, it is not eternal once passed.

Many people have come on here and over on the cesspool and complained bitterly ( and rigthfully so) about the JDA pouring money down a rat hole with absolutely no tangible benefits to show for it. Yet, those same people have, for the most part, expressed a desire to have a highly proactive, effecftive, and well funded JDA (or not) effort to attract industry to Camden. Does it make sense to be looking for the county's very first quliafied JDA director with an eye towards actually expecting results then hamstringing his efforts by becoming known as a community whichj does not support education enthusiastically?

Frankly, now that Coastal College is becoming a 4 year institution and moving away from any vocational education role, I'm very disappointed to see that the ESPOLST wish list does not include a post secondary vocational school - particularly in the construction and high tech areas.

Yes, I will vote for ESPLSOT, and, as I've alsready stated, I would have voted for it whether I had spent the last three years training to be a certified teacher or not. That is all probably a moot point now anyway, unless I move to another county.

By the way, I'm a very good one.

As to ther secondf commenter, you obviosuly have no idea what these thugs are not only capable of doing, but have actually doen in the pastr, and are no doubt setting about doing even as we speak.They are utterly despicable and deserving of evey scintilla opf my opprobrium and that of all decent, fair-minded Americans.

Jay Moreno said...

Actually, I can spell. It's just that after 0500 revielle and teaching all day, from 0730 to 1530,with a rip-snorting case of bronchitis, I'm a little tired.

Anonymous said...

Vote NO on ESPLOST march 17th.

This is a stimulus package for Sea Island no matter how you slant it. They just expanded Camden Middle School. If they need additional schools for future residents let them PAY FOR IT!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jay you have given me some food for thought. I guess I wasn't in agreement because I wasn't bringing an objective mind to the table. I have no children in the school system nor have I ever. It just puts a bad taste in your mouth sometimes when you don't reap the benefits in a direct manner from a proposed tax. But when you stop and ask a question and someone takes the time to point out the benefits to the community as a whole, it makes one take a step back to reassess, in order to make a more informed decision.
Anoymous #1

Anonymous said...


Becareful with the bronchitis. I wasn't and it went into pneumonia in both lungs.

Jay Moreno said...

"Vote NO on ESPLOST march 17th.

This is a stimulus package for Sea Island no matter how you slant it. They just expanded Camden Middle School. If they need additional schools for future residents let them PAY FOR IT!!"

Your statement is a prima facie absurdity.

I teach at the school 8 to 8 and 1/2 hours a day. I'm in the "new" wing. It has long since been filled and students are now spilling out into three portable classrooms. The hallways in betwen classes are a wall-to-wall seething mass of kids.

Jay Moreno said...

You're welcome, A#1.

As to the bronchitis, would you believe that I got the bronchitis after being successfully medicvated with a powewrful anti-biotic for a bad cold bordering on pneumonia? The doc tells me that as a diabetic, I have to jump on colds agressively from day one. After having one earlier this year that dragged on for 7 weeks, I'm a believer.

I've been doing about 80% of the teaching this week. Sure looking forward to some voice rest this weekend.