Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tell us more, Joe!

joe Kingsland, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #9 1 hr ago "District 4 needs to lead by example." Joe, just what specificly did you have in mind, or did you? I hope that was not just an empty, gratuitous, rhetorical platitude. Seriously, how should one commissioner from District 4 lead the county goverment by example. Perhaps Charlene will read your comments. I certainly will. Never let it be said that I was unwilling to listen to the people. You have the floor.


Anonymous said...

This blog of yours clearly shows us that you have the maturity level of a teenage boy that has just hit puberty. You have no respect for anyone that doesn't see things just as you do. Then you downgrade those people and belittle them to try to show how much more intelligent you are over them(which clearly proves that you are not any more intelligent than the normal lab rat). You had to put up three polls on you blog about who would people vote for and rig the third one because the first two defiantly showed that even your own readers wouldn't vote for you. You have nothing positive to offer for this county. You don't respect any of the locals, whose families built this damn place. You have no political experience. No people skills. No humility. No respect. No common sense. No desire to reach a middle ground with anyone. Your not a leader. You do not have what it takes to be a public servant. You will not be one in this county, I promise you that.

Jay Moreno said...

Tripp, here's a free tip, son. If you want to give the false appearance of being more pepole than just your insufficient self, you really should try not to use "your" in every post where you meant to say "you're." It, along with the unmistakable, deep seated feelings - apparently well founded - of the inadequacy so often associated with family-made trust fund babies,are dead giveaways to your identity. Why not just use your real name. You're not fooling anyone, oh, would-be-dragon-slayer.

Jay Moreno said...

Okay, apparently, we are not going to hear form Joe, so the floor is now upon to anyone. I ask again: What specific things would you suggest that one commissioner from District 4 (or any district, for that matter)do in the way of "leading by example" that you think would move the county in a direction you think it shoudl go?

I'm looking for specific ideas. It's not that I don't have some - I do - but I want to "listen to the people." So, "people" here's your chance.

Anonymous said...

District 4 should create jobs on the old Durango property instead of creating residential development.

District 4 should create more of a night life on the waterfront to attract more patronage.

Ditstrict 4 should do more to enforce code violations. Creating a more pleasant atmosphere from Hardees to the Waterfront.

District 4 should diversify its municipalities employment to better reflect the community that it serves.

Jay Moreno said...

Thank you for your comments.

Let me address them, seriatim.

I am, of course, as you know, contemplating a run for county commissioner for Distirct 4, not for a St. Marys city council seat.
The fate of the old Gilman / Durango property will of course be determined by the next buyer and the City of St. Marys, in that order. Personally, I would prefer seeing it redeveloped somewhere along the lines of the plans the now defunct last buyer had for it.

I fthere is to to be new, clean, light industry in the city limits of St. Marys, I would like to see it where the superfluous. St. Marys Airport is now.

More realistically, there are thousands of acres of suitable land for industrial development out in the county. West of Hwy 17 is wide open. New industry in any district would benefit District 4.
As you know, I'm very disillusioned with the JDA. having an genuine and aggressive industrial developement effort at the county level would be a top priority for me.

More night lif eont he waterfront is fine with me - though I would not personally partake of it. However, that really does not fall within the orbit of the concerns of the District 4 commissioner. That's a private enterprise and city council mattter.

With regards to code enforcement, whiel I sheare your frustrations, 100% of the area you reference is a city council problem. While District 4 encomapsses large areas of both St. Marys and Kingsland, very little of it actually encompasses county land. In fact, if you look at the map of District 4 on the county web site, you can't even identify ANY islands of county jurisdiction. I'll have to check with Steve Howard about that. I feel certtain that there are a few - especially on either side of Hwy 40 between Dark Entry Creek and St. Marys Road..

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by your last comment about diversification of municipal employment. Could you expand upon that?

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely correct the ultimate decision on these issues fall upon the City Council. But it always helps to have the District 4 County Commissioner involved in what is happening within the city limits of particular district.

I was speaking to one of the older founding stakesmen of St. Marys and he shared that St. Marys has less than 5% minority representation in City poisitions ie., fire, police, board appointments and city hall positions.

Another point he made was the fact that this is the first time in ---- the council has been without a minority. (just a observation on his part he knew that this was controlled by elections).

He started off talking to me about the white guy who went an apologize to Rep. Lewis about assaulting him during the early days. Then he told me about a prominent white guy from Kingsland that died squatting off black people because of all the bad things he did to blacks.

I sat at the park talking to him for about an hour. I really enjoyed our conversation. I felt as if it gave him some solace for things he may have done to blacks that he now regrets.

And Jay, he said he has learned how to read things on the internet. He had his granddaughter to save Camden Commentary among others to his favorites. He said he has not advance to the point of writing opinions YET..

Jay Moreno said...

Wow, that fellow must have been REALLY old!

thanks for the clarification. I kind of suspected that is where you were going with that, but I wasn't sure.

I'll have to take issue with your very premise concerning "minority representation." I don't beleive you can sign up with Judge Gillette to run as a representative minority or a minority representative. You can run as a non-hyphenated, American citizen who, by virtue of age and street address and time-in-residence can legally qualify to run for an elected ofice representing all of the the people.

I do not believe that there should be a number of elected officials of Irish, African, or Lithuanian, or any other descent necessarily proportional to their respective percentage of the population of a given governmental entity. That is utterly inconsistent with a color blind meritocracy.

I did not vote for Rich gamble becsue he was black, but becasue, at the time, he was clearly a better choice than Bill Smith. When Gamble failed to be able to figure out how to qualify to run, it was apparent that Tommy Gregory was the better candidate, hence, he got my vote.

In short, in both my private life and my elected life - should I have one - I do not discriminate against or FOR anyone based upon their race or ethnicity - only upon their personal character and qualifications.