Tuesday, June 23, 2009

All charges against Sheriff Gregory's administrative assistant are dropped.

http://www.jacksonville.com/news/georgia/2009-06-23/story/charges_against_camden_county_sheriffs_aide_dropped This confirms that the sheriff made exactly the right decision by not firing her before the legal issue was resolved. NOW is the correct time for him to get her side of the story and THEN take a decision (one does not "make" a decision) on her continued employment. This just in at 11:05 HRS: Sheriff Gregory has this morning terminated his administrative assistant. No further details at this time. Watch for the full story in tomorrow's GTU for sure and possibly in the T&G, if they got the story before deadline.


Anonymous said...

Tommy knows the right thing to do. Thank God he's a believer in" innocent until proven guilty", which is what our country is supposed to be based on.

Anonymous said...

He did the right thing by firing her. It is imperative that you have someone that abides by the law of the land in that position.

Jay Moreno said...

I agree but I also still believe that he took exactly the right moral and legal stance in not firing her befroe there was a final adjudication or resolution of the matter.