Monday, June 29, 2009

It takes a village garden.


Anonymous said...

You're a noted horticulturist as well as an accomplished silviculturist. Why don't you go stake out a plot?

Jay Moreno said...

My own little o.2 acre lot keeps me busy enough. Just finished Saturday paying 3 neighborhood kids $105.00 ($35.00 each), 4 liters of cold soda, and six chili dogs to mow my lawn, weedwhack, plant 4 oleanders, install edging and red rubber mulch around them, and transplant the grass from the resulting 4 new beds. I supervised for the whole five hours - right down to the last red warning mark on my wheelchairs's power meter.

By the way, I supplied the mower, the whacker, and 100% of the garden tools. Just for the benefit of the one TOPIX asshole who seemed obsessed with painting me as a racist, all three kids were black. They replaced the white kid who would not follow directions. Oh, and by the way, that now makes 6 neighborhood kids who have done yard worked for me: 2 Cauco-Americans and 4 Afro-Americans.

Besides, my chair will run on my lawn, but I would need an expensive all terrain wheelchair (yes, they do make them) to navigate the communal garden.