Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thirty years on, steps to protect sea turtles have clearly worked.


Anonymous said...

For someone who ridicules the environmentally conscious population, you sure do wax poetic about conservation and bambis and whatnot

Jay Moreno said...

If you will re-think your observation, you will realize that the truth is that I ridicule and caricaturize radical environmemntal nut jobs who not only refuse to recognize that man is a legitimate member of the Earth's living species with a right to coexist, but actually go so far as to rhapsodize over the prospect of a world devoid of man.

Here's a news flash for you: I am, and long have been, a RATIONAL environmentalist. I read Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" as a teenager when it first came out. I get it. However, to the extent that man can utilize the bounty of nature to the benefit of his own species with no or minimal adverse impacts on other species, he is certainly entitled to. Shrimp trawlers, in the pre-TED days, for the sake of human consumption of wild shrimp, was certainly not justified. However, the minimal impact post-TED is an acceptable, RATIONAL trade off. Now, if they could just figure out how to minimize - or utilize - bykill. Spewing raw crude oil all over the Alaskan tundra is unacceptable. However, that has not been the case some 4 decades into the operation of the trans-Alaska pipeline. Ergo, there is no reason to believe that drilling in a miniscule fraction of the total acreage of ANWR would be any different. And yet, the green, eco-weenie, anti-capitalist, lefties are prevetning it and ensuring our continued dependence on foreign oil. IRRATIONAL.

Jay Moreno said...

Note: In the above comment, where I wrote "bykill," I just recalled that the correct term is actually by-catch (i.e., the so called "trash fish" which die in the nets and are thrown overboard).