Saturday, June 20, 2009

As the stomach turns. Cherubs with violins, come in now...

Greenery Kingsland, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #1 18 hrs ago Each day I go down to the Memory Garden to water the plants and trees that were generously donated (and set in place by intrepid volunteers on a sweltering day). Each day I thank the community that allowed me to pay some small tribute to it - and to my parents -and I stand before the plaque, aching that my mother and father did not have a chance to see and feel St. Marys. And each day I pick up the detritus around and in the gazebo: water bottles, chip bags and so forth. Today the garbage of the callous and ignorant included a condom wrapper (my apologies - I did not manage to find the condom itself). That anyone (no matter their age) would find this place a suitable venue for public sex astonishes me and I fear that it may be only a matter of time before it is grievously defaced by knives or paint.To all of you who take night-time golf-cart cruises or walks - please try to pass by from time to time. Perhaps this will dissuade the over-sexed, irreverent, despicable and simply stupid among us.


Anonymous said...

I fail to understand why Moreno chose to post this to his site - or why he finds humor in it.

Jay Moreno said...

Read "The Vision of the Annointed" by Thomas Sowell, then you will.
You might also want to look up "messianic," "narcissistic," and "exhibitionistic."

Anonymous said...

Why did you post this? Do you think it is OK to trash a new memory garden, or do you just hate Greenery, and everyone else as it seems? I cannot believe you are you are running for office and posting this stuff. Are you running to lose? Jay, I cannot figure you out.

Jay Moreno said...

I don't hate anyone. I do loathe some folks' very wrong headed ideas. I particularly loathe the warm and fuzzy and very harmful wrongheaded ideology of emotion-controlled, leftist liberals.

Liberals who wax rhapsodic in pursuit of their own cannonization in their own lifetimes are particularly nauseating.

Me thinks you actually understand me very well. I am who I am 24/7, running for office or not. I'm sure you would prefer a candidate who puts on a facade, panders to all, and plays you for a fool. Many apparently do as witnessed by some of the folks who are elected.

Anonymous said...

No Jay, I would just prefer one that spoke the same language as the rest of us.

Anonymous said...


Do you loathe me? I am a fiscal conservative, and a social liberal. I am an independent, I believe in God, and I think loathe and hate are the same. I am sorry I brought up God, because I am sure this will not see the light of day. I disagree with most of the current Presidents fiscal ideas, but I support gay marriage and a women’s right to choose. Can’t we all agree to disagree on some points? An idea is an idea, it maybe wrongheaded as you say, but it is still an idea. Ideas are what drive this great country. If someone has an idea for a great park in St. Marys, it is an idea, and worth taking a look at it from all angles, not just thrown to the side as a tree hugger, or uninformed overzealous Liberal. What I look for in a candidate, is someone, who does not stick to their Rush, O’Rielly, and Hannity marching orders, but says from time to time, you know what this may not be something I would consider in my past life as a Kool-Aid drinker, but I think I will wrap my hands around this and give it a second look. That is not pandering, that is good politics. That is what I look for in a candidate. You may what to rethink your current strategy, because I think there are more people thinking like me, then thinking like you. Just a suggestion.

Jay Moreno said...

Folks, can I sniff 'em out, or what!?

I note that Ms. Social Liberal was not above being not only what Rush would call a typical "seminar caller," but low down, dirty, and un-American enough to use my deeply held, minority religious beliefs against me in an attempt to cost me votes with other bigots in the majority. Despicable.

Jay Moreno said...

Anonymous said...
No Jay, I would just prefer one that spoke the same language as the rest of us.

And what "language" would that be?

Anonymous said...

The language where I wouldn't have to grab a thesaurus to look up every other one. I'll concede that I don't have your level of intelligence. It is for that reason that I read your blog. I believe that something can be learned from the depth of your knowledge. With that being said, sometimes, especially when someone pisses in the bowl of wheaties, you start throwing out those $25 words like no tomorrow and although I'm sure you will just call me a dumbass, I just really want simple everyday english. lol

Jay Moreno said...

As you have noted, teaching is in my blood. Glad to hear that you not only come to the fountain of knowledge, but, unlike many others, actually imbibe. My tuition rates are unbeatable, don't you agree.

Anonymous said...

Jay you are too funny. Loves it! I once attended a class where this guy had challenges reading. So the instructor told him "Every time you come upon a word you can't pronounce just say BIG WORD." When I read what the poster said I thought about how amusing it was everytime he read.

Anonymous said...

'You might also want to look up "messianic," "narcissistic," and "exhibitionistic."'

Pot, may I introduce kettle? I do want to thank you for giving me my daily chuckle, Jay. Given your last post, you might want to check out a few more words: hubris, megalomania, solipsism, egotist.

Oooo..."methinks" (that's one word, by the way). Verbal diarrhea at its finest. This just gets better and better!

By your response to the issue of the trashing of the Memory Garden I must assume that you would not object if someone vandalized your own parents' monument. So we can now add callous and pathologically unfeeling to your dubious attributes. How very sad you are.

Jay Moreno said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jay Moreno said...

Ooops! Posted a resposne before I posted the comment - hence the deletion.

Regarding the vocabulary lesson, thanks, but I already have "full command" of those words, as it is pedagocially fashionable to say nowadays.

Denise, you might be interested to know that in schools today, that kid would not be required to read aloud for fear of embarrassing him beyond repair. There is very little reading aloud by students going on in schools today. It is still considered okay for the teacher to read aloud though. It is called "modeling" reading.

Anonymous said...

You may not be an elected politician yet, but you sure have the arrogance and the ego for it.

Jay Moreno said...

Why, thank you - and thanks in advance for your vote!

Anonymous said...

"You may not be an elected politician yet..." Surely this must be a tongue-in-cheek joke. What office could you possibly hope to win given the public's opinion of you and your antagonistic personality, intolerance and bias?

Jay Moreno said...

I am not now, nor will I ever be a "politician", even if elected.
Politicians will - and do - routinely lie to diguise who they truly are and what they truly believe and what they are actually up do. I do not and will not. Look at the patheticly transparent pandering poor old Kingfish has been up to lately, for example. I think there may be a constituency out there for an honest citizen who is looking to serve well and honestly and does not intend to make a "career" out of it. If elected, I would never ever ask myself how a particular decision taken on a particular issue would effect my chances of re-election.
As to the suggestion that I would be ineffective because I could not get along with the other commissioners, the truth is that the fact that my primnary mission would NOT be to get along but to be effective is a good thing. My modus poerandi would be as follows. On any given issue requiring a decision on my part to take a particular position, I would first evalaute it from the perspective of constitutionality. If it passed that test, I would evaluate the situation in terms what would be the position which would best benefit the majority of the citizens without violating the rights of any individual citizens. I would next determine the most cost effective way to fund any decision requiring funding. Having reached my informed decision, I would then argue (in the sense that an attorney argues his case, not he argumentative sense of the word)the merits of my position on the matter in open session in an unabashed, transparent attempt to swing at least two - and preferrably 4 - more commissioners to my point of view. Moreover, I would argue my pint in such a way as to be minbdful that the general public had not been privy to the commissions internal memeoranda and should be informed throuhout the discussion, in easily understandable lay term, what is being didcussed. After arguing my point convincingly - a skill which I possess in spades - I would then accept the results of the vote on the issue and move ont po the next issue.

Would I listen to input from constituents (by which I mean any citizen of Camden, irrspective of the district they live in or how long they or their family have resided in the county)? Yes, I would, but the final resposnibilty for the decison on any given item would ultimately fall to me. That is the nature of representative democracy.

As to electability, what you do not know is that in 1995, right up until about ten days before the election, when the corrupt St. Marys policitical establishment conspired to have me falsely arrested, the consensus around town was that I would most likely unseat the incumbent - hence the false arrest. I don't think that the false arrest trick will work twice. Folks like you will have to result to some other scurrilous dirty trick. I'm sure you are up to it.

Anonymous said...

Jay Moreno said "As you have noted, teaching is in my blood. Glad to hear that you not only come to the fountain of knowledge, but, unlike many others, actually imbibe. My tuition rates are unbeatable, don't you agree."

June 22, 2009 3:43 PM

Yes Jay your tuition rates are truely unbeatable but I just want to warn you beforehand, I suck at test taking. lol

The D.A.

Anonymous said...

You say "If it passed that test, I would evaluate the situation in terms what would be the position which would best benefit the majority of the citizens without violating the rights of any individual citizens" and yet, by your inability to address the viewpoints of others without reducing yourself to slurs and immature insults, you clearly demonstrate that you're incapable of even listening to "the majority of the citizens".

You tolerate only the opinions that echo your own and then manipulate facts and thrown in imbecilic, child-like taunts (I mean, really, Jay - "eco-weenie"? How mature of you). The citizens of Camden include both Republican and Democrats...and environmentalists of both parties. In what possible respect can you represent the people "without violating the rights of any individual citizens" if you are so obviously incapable of reasoned discourse? You simply revert to type when confronted with any opinion that conflicts with your own and fall back upon bullying and smears: the very things that you profess to abhor. With each post your hypocrisy is revealed and thus, perhaps, your blog is, indeed, a public service.

Anonymous said...

Very well written and explained, Jay. The sad part though is most people here vote based on feeling, not intellect. Hence the reason we have so much discord and deviant behavior.

Jay Moreno said...

Wow! Thanks for openeing my eyes. Clearly, I have not contemplated how truly difficult it will be to cast votes in such a way as to benefit my hate mongering, conservative friends while simultaneously screwing over lefties and green eco weenies - not to mention actually trashing the environmet I live in. I'll have to work on that. Thanks again.

Darth Moreno

Jay Moreno said...

Alas, your observation certainly accurately describes many election results so far in this county. I'm just hoping against hope that we have perhaps reached a demographic tipping point in the opposite direction. I'm convinced that there are now enough intelligent people of voting age residing in Camden - if only they would all register and actually vote.

Jay Moreno said...

You, Sir, are a bold-faced liar! I knew you were the moment I read your lie on TOPIX, but just to be sure, I've gone back and checked my e-mails for the last two weeks.
There is no record of your ever having attempted to post the below comment which you now claim that I refused to print. I will now publish it after having copied in from TOPIX just to show what a liar you are. However, don't bother to comment on this blog again. I have no tolerance for known lying, anonymous, cowards.

" Here is my response which he refused to post. Despicable indeed.


No, you cannot smell them out. It is Mr. social Liberal if you don’t mind. At no point did I bring up your religious views, YOU DID!!! I brought up my views, and did not mention your view. I am not a bigot; I respect all views to all situations. I am not Un-American, I am a U.S. Army veteran, and I take offense to that comment, but from you, it is expected. As to my “Rush marching points”, you sir walked right into that one. You get your opinions from right wing radicals, and cannot write your own true core beliefs without the advantage of talk radio. You Sir are unfit to serve this county or any city within it. I really know that this one will not see the light of day on your blog. If it does, it will be buried to page two with your silly cut and paste unoriginal thoughts from some news source or another. Run Forrest, Run,(for office that is) the rest of us will be laughing."